No u taint.....Last time i checked ur clan tag said "[Eclipse]"
soo uh yea....unless ur willing to join back ?

O and btw i got modded so i should be like the clans second rank next to the 2 leaders i guess....
Last edited by CookishMan; Sep 23, 2008 at 01:28 AM.
"C is for cookie, that's good enough for me."
Check out the smexy new member list...we are only gonna have 11 members that are ranked he rest are just recruits
gaintz was here before wop
[12:04] <@Jarmund> the only thing that could make it even clearer that he didn't have a woman, would be if he played WoW
[21:20] <blkk> what does fap mean?
yea, but ive never seen him on the forums before =/

If you see him again,tell him to post on our forum to mak sure hes active and stuff
"C is for cookie, that's good enough for me."
Originally Posted by RandomNinja View Post
come to think of it, i havent seen him at all

i have seen him today
Part of the [Revolution]
I sawdaman and him playing in wushu7 today but i could get in as im a blue belt...
"C is for cookie, that's good enough for me."