Fuck... you beat me to this song i was listening to this the other day, i like your edit tho it was for the better that you used it since if i used it would've been shit.
anyways, nice sync i like the cc and p/c. Oh and did you use rsmb?
I do stuff. Havu is my mentor
Originally Posted by Travor View Post
nice sync i like the cc and p/c. Oh and did you use rsmb?

Thanks, and yeah I used rsmb.

Originally Posted by DatSkip View Post
It looks like it's supposed to be clean but the fact that it hardly hits 30fps at slow motion parts ruins it a little for me

Yeah I'm not quite sure how to fix that...I'll be sure too look out for it in my next edit though, thanks!
Last edited by Truth; Jun 15, 2015 at 11:29 AM. Reason: Replying
im suprised nobody has mentioned this but

0:08 - 0:20 consists of the same transition, same camera angle and same camera movement
it's really boring to watch in my opinion

otherwise it's good