Mute people.

I'm talking about you can make a new mute button called "Shutup" and when you hit it, it comes up with a thing asking for the name. You then type the name you want to shutup in game. It will then mute him TO YOU, but he still talks it's just you can't see it. This should be for non-op also.
Welcome, DestinyPower.
You last visited: Nov 19, 2016 at 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by riverchen View Post
hava a costoum controls thing i want to change controls

I'd also like USB gamepad support if the controls aren't too complex. I just play games way better with a controller.

Originally Posted by DestinyPower View Post
Mute people.

I'm talking about you can make a new mute button called "Shutup" and when you hit it, it comes up with a thing asking for the name. You then type the name you want to shutup in game. It will then mute him TO YOU, but he still talks it's just you can't see it.

It would feel much more natural for a /mute in chat.
Originally Posted by DestinyPower View Post
This should be for non-op also.

You mean like a /ignore, vote mute, or some random dude being able to mute other players?
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He who was the butt of the joke reserves no right to say "that wasn't funny."

Invulnerability - Cannot crash/wipeout, even if you smack into a wall at the highest attainable speed in the game.
Matrix - The whole game slows down to about half the normal speed, giving you some extra reflex time to set up big jumps and trick combos. (Basically slow-mo)
Wings - Gives you a big forward boost when you're in the air (perhaps we could have a powerup like that at the beginning of a track with a fudge enormous jump)

Powerdowns (things you would want to avoid);
Deep Freeze - The track turns icy and you can't get any traction. Extremely slippery and hard to balance on.
Big Rig - Your acceleration/max speed abilities stay the same, but turning and decelerating both become much, much harder.
Vertigo - Makes the track on the edge of the screen bend up, giving you a warped view of the course. The only unchanged portion would be a small bar in the middle, and the curve would gradually get steeper as it moved out from the center of the screen.
Blackout - The track gets much, much darker, making it hard to see.
Gale - Storm winds arise! You're gradually tossed from side to side by the fierce wind, forcing you to recenter your course repeatedly until the effect ends.

Track Implementations;
Speed Strip - Ye good olde acceleration strip. For some reason or another you get a boost of speed going over one of these, whether it's a on a straightaway or the entrance to a big jump. Featured in a crapton of racing games, sure everyone's familiar with it.
Slow Strip - The opposite of the Speed Strip! Avoid these or you'll get bogged down considerably and your momentum will break.

Will maybe get more ideas later.
Last edited by Ragdollmaster; Sep 5, 2009 at 03:46 AM.
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.
Originally Posted by batyz View Post
It would be cool to have a race mode on multiplayer, race and fighting at the same time :P

To add more detail to the "race and fighting" concept. The guns and lazers you mentioned, would come into play. Possibly close combat weaponry?
Back in my day...