If this wasn't so tragic this would be hilarious

Flying a plane over a warzone doesn't seem like a very smart idea regardless of whether or not they were involved in it.
295 people killed at the press of a button and one order. I wonder if they felt guilty when they realized.
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Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
If this wasn't so tragic this would be hilarious

Flying a plane over a warzone doesn't seem like a very smart idea regardless of whether or not they were involved in it.

It's not a dumb idea by any means. The area in question was deemed non-restricted by international aviation agencies, and they had reasonable expectation to be safe, as they were flying well above the effective range of the weapons the separatists were expected to have, were relaying they were civilian aircraft, and flying along air routes at the right altitude and path of civilian aircraft, so any weaponry designed to hit at that altitude would have picked up this information.

And it's not unprecedented. Civilian flights were still flying over Kosovo airspace when that was a warzone.

And there have only been 3 other incidents involving civilian aircraft being destroyed by anti-air missiles in history, and those were all misidentified as military craft when flying too low and off civilian flight paths. There was neither precedent for concern, nor reasonable grounds for mistaken identity. MA had reasonable expectations that the flight path was safe. And there's no reasonable explanation as to why the plane was shot down other than deliberate, aggressive, action.
nyan :3
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