Well guys, Anxious is worst host ever.. Bets were like 21k against 100tc .. Everyone was saying to cansel and he didn't .... and that 100tc won.... I lost 7k. I will never forget that faggot. Screw him. Such bad person... I was working to get my tc and bam that faggot didnt cansel.. and he sayd "dont worry i will loose" and the other guy failed and Anxious won. SCREW HIM.
What's moxxy Clown main? was just wondering..

Rizle Moderated Message:
He has changed name to clown.
Last edited by Rizle; Jun 29, 2014 at 01:16 PM.
NiEkSaS and FleshMon if we do not see you are not a single post, you'll be expelled from the clan without the right to return to it.
I'm TC seller pm me
Discord: mellicape