Well, why don't you try to turn his addiction to advantage?
If he really play games that much and he is good at them, then suggest him to go pro.
There are some game events where he can even earn real money or some prizes like computer components and stuff like that, playing against other ppl.
There is also another option: to be a freelance game reviewer. There are some sites where you can also earn some money or bonuses for writing game reviews, and stuff like that.
Or try to evoke in him some creative aspect - suggest him to try to make his own game. There is all kind of software to do that, oriented toward ppl that doesn't know how to code, but they can still make some simple games in it.

If he is only interested to waste his life playing games all the time and not to transfer that into something positive, then I'm afraid its time for some therapy.
I see.
Its just I don't think He'd even go t the trouble of trying to earn money,Because he's "in it for the games".
See games have a horrible effect on a person physicly and emotionally,Whether your playing pac-man or GTA.
So I think therapy is the only awnser,or he can die in a corner with his precious PC.
I agree.
If you are going to be a piece of shit, then be a piece of shit with a cherry on the top.

But yeah, breaking the cycle will definitly work.
I used to play my PS3 all day, but then it stopped working.
It went to be fixed and all of a sudden they phone me and say "hey we couldn't fix it so we sent it to Spain for it to be dismantled and turned into toasters also no refunding have a nice day bye"
I was so fucking pissed.
Took over an year to get another one from them, and when I finally did, I didn't play it that much, and I still don't.
I haven't played it in like three weeks.

EDIT: Ninja'd ;o
Maybe he doesn't realise that he is addicted. Maybe he understands that it's bad to be addicted, but he thinks that he isn't "that" addicted to it.
Make him understand that he is totally addicted to it.
Last edited by pusga; Mar 8, 2012 at 04:35 AM.
oh yeah
I know I bought Skyrim. I was playing that shit like crazy. So my wife comes over holding a tea and "accidentally" spills it on my laptop. Yes, I stopped playing. Well, for a bit, then I bought a new Laptop.
^I don't see what this has to do with anything,but thanks for posting.
Also,His parents think I'm controlling now.
Can you say fuck?