Endurance Onslaught 6.0
There is spam, but its all contained into one area. So with that in mind that’s not really an issue. Also by looking at how the posts are written it allows us to see just who we should look at as a potential member or who we should avoid.

It pretty much is an invite only as far as someone having a high chance to get in. But with this current system those who want in can state they want in, and have the chance to prove themselves (from us watching them).

So I say the current method is fine. It allows for easy adjustments (we can simply stop inviting people as quickly when the clan starts to get to full ect.)and has proved effective in spotting good members amidst spam. If someone spams in the thread and appears generally unintelligent/immature... then they pretty much not only killed their chances to get into Guru but most any other clan that isn't desperate.

Again keep in mind that list only serves to spot "potential members", just to see who all we have interested. The highest chance for someone to get in Guru lies with recommendations and... us simply being greatly impressed with their individual skill and asking them.

Also the invite post can demonstrate dedication; there have been members that were invited primarily (their skill ect. was also a factor) because they patiently waited for months to try to get in.
I see

When you put it that way
It's probably the best way to differentiate between the gold and the copper (figuratively speaking of course)

<pirate> wow i almost threw up from sneezing rofl
Originally Posted by Squid View Post
WOOT 5th dan

gj squid

(3rd dan >_>;)

<pirate> wow i almost threw up from sneezing rofl
I thought I should tell you about my epic plans.

I'm thinking about holding a Guru Birthday contest. The date will probably be somewhere near of the date when Guru got it's board (28th March). The prize will be 10k, as that's all I can afford at the moment. The mode and the time + some other stuff will be discussed later.

On a side note, I got my 4th dan a couple of days ago.
~What word begins with p and ends in orn? Popcorn!~
Originally Posted by Splunker
...i cant just sit and watch the clan i made and payed for just die in my face it hurts...

I am considering funding/running a replay contest soon (to help boost forum activity a little as we have been slacking).

Not to keen on judging if someone else wants run it/assist running it etc. and I simply fund it.

In other news that Rawr aikido match I posted about before. With the league over we could now hit them up for it if people are interested.

one more thing; If things run smoothly (read: If I don't get lazy) I should have the Guru profiles updated soon. I will need a brief basic profile/self created title if you haven’t sent me one so I can edit it like the others.
I would be interested on running the replay contest, but I already have the "Birthday Party" to run.

I'd like to fight in the Aikido match VS. RAWR. Would be great.

Also, I might want to have my profile changed a bit, as my style has changed a lot in the time I've been in Guru.
~What word begins with p and ends in orn? Popcorn!~
Originally Posted by Splunker
...i cant just sit and watch the clan i made and payed for just die in my face it hurts...

Originally Posted by lancer_c View Post
I am considering funding/running a replay contest soon (to help boost forum activity a little as we have been slacking).

Not to keen on judging if someone else wants run it/assist running it etc. and I simply fund it.

use my judging model: participants must vote to be eligible to win.

in other news, i suppose i should get tour de bash going again now that the league's done with, yes?
Since I dunno where else to put it...

I think the Guru Member Profiles thread should be restarted. It's gotten out of date with who all is in Guru, and there are also our other posts in it.

Just an idea...
Be careful...
...we're watching.