Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by DrHax View Post
In my opinion and you don't have to agree with me or sling mud whatever:

Mushu isn't a problem at all to the community. The players who became successful in modern wushu on oppose to lower ED high dm wushu got that way because they were looking for a tactical striking mod with less luck and more freedom and mobility. Those people who are interested in that will be turned off by mushu and go to wushu rooms.

I'm really happy to see there's a new community of players out there interested in a new mod. Mushu is cool. It'll never be competitive because of it's very nature, but it's fun, people like it and enjoy it, and Team Wushu honestly shouldn't give a hoot about it.

If a mod is inherently outdated and people are enjoying theirs more than ours, that doesn't mean shove our mod down the staff's throat to make it the only thing that exists. It means make our mod more appealing, or just enjoy it without the fresh blood. And as Erth said, there will always be a wushu room. We shouldn't attempt control what people enjoy just because we don't enjoy it.

Hell I'd be open to there being a team mushu with a tier system too lol.

let me tell you a story: last time people didn't gave a hoot about aikido - we got abd.

there was a public server aikido7 at some point which was pretty much as chill as wushu8, there were fairplay agreements jsut as well and everyone was enjoing it untill some point.
"hey, it's just another mod and another community, it would not hurt us, right?"

abd was introduced for some league to get rid of lifters. nobody was thinking that by making dq less probable metagame will change so yeah, we all know the result. at the moment there is one org that still follows the "traditions" of old aikido7 room, you can gues which one and it's considered "elitist" or even "self-righteous" since it holds atleast some kind of standards.

do we want the very same thing to happen to wushu?
i don't

and the line about fresh blood. if you have no fresh blood - your mod is pretty much dead. or your clan

you should probably try to look on things from different perspective. creating/managing a clan from blank is the experience you lack to see things from this point of view. you would understand it in instant otherwise.
Last edited by snake; Nov 23, 2013 at 08:36 PM.
Originally Posted by DrHax View Post
In my opinion and you don't have to agree with me or sling mud whatever:

Mushu isn't a problem at all to the community. The players who became successful in modern wushu on oppose to lower ED high dm wushu got that way because they were looking for a tactical striking mod with less luck and more freedom and mobility. Those people who are interested in that will be turned off by mushu and go to wushu rooms.

I'm really happy to see there's a new community of players out there interested in a new mod. Mushu is cool. It'll never be competitive because of it's very nature, but it's fun, people like it and enjoy it, and Team Wushu honestly shouldn't give a hoot about it.

If a mod is inherently outdated and people are enjoying theirs more than ours, that doesn't mean shove our mod down the staff's throat to make it the only thing that exists. It means make our mod more appealing, or just enjoy it without the fresh blood. And as Erth said, there will always be a wushu room. We shouldn't attempt control what people enjoy just because we don't enjoy it.

Hell I'd be open to there being a team mushu with a tier system too lol.

I see where you come from, and I'm still on my previous opinion to be perfectly honest. You know think of it as an ideal or whatever. I don't think it is always as deterministic as "a player that wants a striking mod with less luck" will just find his calling in the wushu8 room. We can change a populations thought about a certain mod etc.. and work to help them get better at it in several ways.

snake used to sit in public rooms, and help a lot of new people...and he actually got some positive results. We launched an event today that will challenge even the good wushu players! We've done an event before which was a sort of a wushu sp challenge mod..which definitely challenge people for better scores. I say we create more of those, we spur new people to try out brand of wushu...but also an anti-mushu campaign doesn't seem so bad to me as well.
Your messed up world enthrills me
Originally Posted by William View Post
I see where you come from, and I'm still on my previous opinion to be perfectly honest. You know think of it as an ideal or whatever. I don't think it is always as deterministic as "a player that wants a striking mod with less luck" will just find his calling in the wushu8 room. We can change a populations thought about a certain mod etc.. and work to help them get better at it in several ways.

snake used to sit in public rooms, and help a lot of new people...and he actually got some positive results. We launched an event today that will challenge even the good wushu players! We've done an event before which was a sort of a wushu sp challenge mod..which definitely challenge people for better scores. I say we create more of those, we spur new people to try out brand of wushu...but also an anti-mushu campaign doesn't seem so bad to me as well.

hax, as i said, if you ever created/managed a clan from blank you will understand what it's all about, like building a clan or community around the mod.

if you just observe - nothing good will happen. the lowest common dominator strategy will prevail. just sitting and trying to look smart doesn't work.

and willy, you give me too much credit, fl0w was there and fl0w was playing there. ;)
we even had some kind of monopoly on wushu during that time.

back to hax:

mods for beginners rooms make a huge difference.

if naab have 2 rooms to choose from wushu or same wushu but easy to dm he will choose mushu in 99% of time, because "it looks fun" and require no skill whatsoever. the problem occurs because new players are very likely to stay playing the mod they belive they are "good at", so you have quite a segment of potential wushu players getting stuck there.

mods live when there are players who play them. no fresh blood - no mod.

you talk too much about your non-existant contributions without actually doing ANYTHING for the sake of your "wushu community"

should we? do we have a right? is it fair? bullshit questions. the task always been to build a strong community around the mod so you can find, play and have fun with these people.

i'm not idealistic, and i may be not always correct, yet i try and do what i can to make sure that wushu stays the way we like to play. or even more clear the way i like to play. atleast i have a personal interest in this mod.
and who said it's bad? from what i see wushu servers were quite fun, relaxed and chill to play at to this moment.
back to hax:

yeah btw, good idea:

go make and alt and start a fresh clan, just for kicks.

wushu clan will be a bit too easy task to do right now, considering we are not downhill yet and still populate quite okay,

but to get the idea, try to create a rk-mma or ninjutsu/stabjutsu, or anything like that (known, but not too mainstream yet) so you will have the same ground as we got during rebuilding of hung/creating of fl0w and TeamWushu.
and after that, please do tell me how much you was chilling doing nothing and people were getting hooked on the mod on their own.
because it would not happen like this.

or you can try to create a boxing clan.. i tried to prepare some ground for that and there was one and first boxing clan in toribash, it died, bu thats another story.
just make sure the mod you take as main exist as public server, so you will have atleast something to work with.

yeah, do that. it will help alot in many ways.

organizations exist to promote mods and thats another tool of possible recruits for clans based on specific mods. that was the purpose of teamwushu and bushudo - to get more fresh blood for fl0w obviously.

in short - it's all about mods

ah, and after doing that you will actually HAVE rights to claim that you contributed to %modname% .tbm
otherwise - obviously not.

i'm not kidding or trying to shit you, if you will actually put an effort and will manage to build somewhat stable community around a mod, i will start to take your words and claims about contributions seriously.
one thing if a guy didn't do shit yet try go all philosophical about what's good or not and another if you've worked on that and you have a personal interest to keep a community around mod alive for the sake of clan and own enjoyment.
Last edited by snake; Nov 23, 2013 at 10:04 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I see why you guys "fear" the growth of mushu, but the metagame is so different from wushu I really don't think players that play mushu or wushu play those mods for the same reasons, Only the names sound alike ;o.
I think there's an emotional bias somewhere in your train of thoughts because of the efforts we put in TeamWushu, but mushu ain't no threat ^^

Mushu is kind of a mix between tk & wushu.tbm + instagib. The idea is fonny, it may become a popular mod, but it wont ever REPLACE wushu, imo.

Wushu is quite an elitist mod, only few players start by playing wushu. And if we watch the situation the other way maybe some noobs (read beginners) that would have started toribash with aikido, or any other mod, and find some interest in mushu (because fun and easy dm) might then turn to wushu because they'd feel comfortable with 50tf and watch some kickass elitist players being awesome at wushu !

I'm very neutral about Mushu, I really don't see it replacing wushu.
Originally Posted by deprav View Post
I see why you guys "fear" the growth of aikidobigdojo, but the metagame is so different from aikido I really don't think players that play aikidobigdojo or aikido play those mods for the same reasons, Only the names sound alike ;o.
I think there's an emotional bias somewhere in your train of thoughts because of the efforts we put in Teamaikido, but aikidobigdojo ain't no threat ^^

aikidobigdojo is kind of a mix between tk & aikido.tbm + instagib. The idea is fonny, it may become a popular mod, but it wont ever REPLACE aikido, imo.

I'm very neutral about aikidobigdojo, I really don't see it replacing aikido.

i have a dejavu, don't you?
Originally Posted by snake View Post
let me tell you a story: last time people didn't gave a hoot about aikido - we got abd.

there was a public server aikido7 at some point which was pretty much as chill as wushu8, there were fairplay agreements jsut as well and everyone was enjoing it untill some point.
"hey, it's just another mod and another community, it would not hurt us, right?"

abd was introduced for some league to get rid of lifters. nobody was thinking that by making dq less probable metagame will change so yeah, we all know the result. at the moment there is one org that still follows the "traditions" of old aikido7 room, you can gues which one and it's considered "elitist" or even "self-righteous" since it holds atleast some kind of standards.

do we want the very same thing to happen to wushu?
i don't

I wasn't there for abd arrival. But aikido and aikidobigdojo are the exact same mod with a larger ring, the differences between wushu & brushu are huge, and there's a lot of them.

if mushu was called grabjutsu.tbm you wouldn't even pay attention !

(Plus aikido is a noobass mod anyway, it's the first mod people play when they start toribash, it's not like it was elitist or something, and there are still 3x more aikido servers than abd)
Last edited by deprav; Nov 23, 2013 at 10:54 PM.
let's fix it to the current situation:
Originally Posted by deprav View Post
I was there for mushu arrival. But wushu and mushu are the exact same mod with a instagib and grab, the differences between aikido & aikidobigdojo are huge, and there's a lot of them.

if aikidobigdojo was called greykido.tbm you wouldn't even pay attention !

(Plus wushu is a noobass mod anyway, it's the first mod people play when they start toribash, it's not like it was elitist or something)

the thing is there are fundamental differences if you are experienced in mod.

if you are inexperienced in wushu, for you it's same mods - you spam opener, then tripod or run. the only difference that in mushu you have instagib and grabs.

if you are inexperienced in aikido, for you it's same mods - you try to kick the shit out of people and dm. the only difference that in aikidobigdojo you have bigger dojo.

i say that because i have a bit of understanding on these matters.
Last edited by snake; Nov 23, 2013 at 11:02 PM.
Nop, still can't see your point.

People who play wushu love the fact there's no grab and it's hard to dm. I mean we naturally evolved from wushu.tbm to wushu mods with higher dm/frac, longer ed, longer match frames etc... Means wushu player love wushu for what it is : a striking mod with no grab & hard rewards.

I don't see how a mod with grab and easy reward could ever replace it, it's just not the same public at all. You assume someone who likes to play mushu is someone "stolen" from the wushu community, I say it's just one more toribash player that might have no interest for wushu because he likes to grab and dm the shit out of people.
Some new players seem to be confused because of similar names, but that doesn't mean they would have been wushu players if mushu was inexistant. If mushu wasn't here they might be playing tk or instagib or any other mod.

Toribash is a game, people play what they like to play. You can't force them into loving wushu !

And I'll quote myself because you didn't notice it : "And if we watch the situation the other way maybe some noobs (read beginners) that would have started toribash with aikido, or any other mod, and find some interest in mushu (because fun and easy dm) might then turn to wushu because they'd feel comfortable with 50tf and saw some kickass elitist players being awesome at wushu !"
Tho they'll get recked at first and have some hard time adjusting.

(please stop quoting and changing mod names, saying something totally different from the original post by changing a few words doesn't prove the original post wrong, it just says something totally different. And in the end it makes no sense D: )