In wushu type mods, the neck is probably the weakest and the wrists are the strongest. I'm talking about the input of force, not frac or dismember thresholds. The wrists in wushu is the comeback joint, it propels your entire tori. Where as the neck just seems to be random at times. Like you move waaaaay to fast to prevent heavy damage, but your neck fracs.
I don't think joints have separate dismember thresholds...
I believe the most useless joint is probably the neck, though it does have its uses in certain situations.
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.
There isn't any joint that is superior to another in strength, but rather usage and location make us portray some joints to be stronger, or weaker than others. An example is how wrists are portrayed to be weaker than ankles, but they in fact are not, indeed they are more likely to dismember than ankles, but that is because they are used more than ankles(since they are used for grabbing), and are in a more lethal position than ankles.
Ankles on the other hand aren't used as much as wrists, and are in a more safe location than wrists(since they are covered by shins above, and feet below). Still, they can also be dismembered easily if they hit the floor with enough force.