Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Just so people know, I will mostly never be on toribash when I am at my mum's place due to problems with the internet and the computer, however I will always be forums active unless I am going on holidays but that wont be for a while now.

When I am at my dad's place I will be able to play toribash I am at my mum's till Friday and at my dads for a few days.
I have been and wlil be inactive for some time, for some reason i don't get internet connection at my home.. Cable is broken or something.

Once we get that fixed, i'll be active again. Posting from my moms work, lol =P
Whoop Whoop
ill be inactive the whole next week. ill not work than, ill have school n theres no web connection ...
Reporting back, did a format, i've got internet now. Lost a lot of good replays i haven't posted and pictures, music etc but oh well, i need internet.
Whoop Whoop
My internet has gone down and the provider people wont be in the office til monday so i dont expect they'll get it back up til tuesday-ish. I'm making this post from my mates house, il post the bits of art ive done for Nobuddie and tastes-nice when ive got ze net at home
Youshop | Art