[04:37:52] <Spaztic_One> ishi
[04:37:56] <Spaztic_One> you present?
[04:38:01] <Ishi> yo
[04:38:06] <Spaztic_One> oh, you are here
[04:38:13] <Spaztic_One> indeed, I am surprised.
[04:38:14] <Ishi> im always everywhere
[04:38:24] <Spaztic_One> Oh, then...
[04:38:36] <Spaztic_One> In that case, i think i should from now on hail you as a god.
[04:38:41] <Ishi> k
[04:38:42] <Ishi> ;o
[04:38:48] <Ishi> everyone else does already
[04:39:02] <Spaztic_One> How is my lord Ishi doing at present?
[04:39:27] <Ishi> he ist feeling invincible after defeating a virus that was fucking up his shit
[04:39:28] <Ishi> ;o
[04:39:42] <Spaztic_One> Ah, virus infested shit is never fun
[04:40:01] <Ishi> ye
[04:40:15] <Ishi> i got like 2500 diffrent types of malware from one 52mb game
[04:40:17] <Ishi> fun stuff eh
[04:40:17] <Spaztic_One> well, save for the pleasure of removing said viruses
[04:40:27] <Spaztic_One> oh, indeed my lord.
[04:41:05] <Ishi> so how is the spaztic, who i also belive is a one?
[04:41:05] <Ishi> ;o
[04:41:12] <Spaztic_One> lol
[04:41:38] <Spaztic_One> Well, my lord, I have been better, it is true, but I am also faring well enough at present.
[04:41:49] <Spaztic_One> I shall endure
[04:42:31] <Spaztic_One> Though, my lord, couldst I have thine eternal blessing?
[04:43:46] * Ishi shoots a beam at Spaztic_whoisalsoaone
[04:43:54] <Ishi> there you go, loyal subject
[04:44:11] <Spaztic_One> I am honoured, my liege.
[04:44:24] =-= YOU are now known as Spaztic_whoisalsoaone
[04:44:25] <Ishi> Don't go spending it all in one place, now
[04:44:34] <Spaztic_whoisalsoaone> Of course not, my lord.
Be careful...
...we're watching.
<Spaz> You know him/her personally?
<Vigilante> I do.
<Spaz> You probably tried to sleep with him, only to find out that he isn't a he, but a she!
<Spaz> =O
<Vigilante> no.
<Vigilante> I knew the secret
<Vigilante> or I wouldn't have attempted it
<Spaz> I was talking to moltex
<~Moltex> :<
<Vigilante> so??
<Spaz> So I don't care about your sexual ventures.
<Spaz> actually
<Spaz> I do'nt care about moltex's either
<Vigilante> oh
<~Moltex> lol
<Spaz> *shrugs and walks away*
<@Phoenix_afk> pro
[05:31:00] <Spaz> oops
[05:31:10] <Spaz> I just dropped a buncha noodles on my crotch
[05:31:11] <Spaz> lol
[05:31:17] <Spaz> noodly crotch
[05:31:26] <Spaz> om nom nom nom
[05:31:32] <Spaz> wait, what?


* million million
* lancer_c lancer_c
* Spaz Spaz
* lancer_c million
* Spaz lancer_c


[08:23:15] -->| lancer_c (lance@7F16FBF9.16372DC6.B655C2BA.IP) has joined #toriguru
[08:23:28] <Spaz> LANSIR
[08:23:53] <Yasiou> lansar
[08:23:57] <Yasiou> greetings2u
[08:26:22] <Yasiou> D;
[08:26:26] <Yasiou> I think its dead
[08:26:34] <Spaz> =(
[08:26:35] <Yasiou> quick Spaz, perform CPR
[08:26:38] <Yasiou> !
[08:26:50] <Spaz> Uh... TANK! I need a download!
[08:26:54] <Spaz> lolol
[08:27:02] <Yasiou> lol
[08:27:06] <Spaz> [/matrix reference]
[08:27:18] <Spaz> butsrsly...
[08:27:26] * Spaz preforms CPR on lancer_c
[08:27:49] * Spaz maintains the mouth contact obviously longer than needed
[08:27:58] <Yasiou> :O
[08:28:03] * Spaz may have used a little tongue
[08:28:16] <Yasiou> :0
[08:28:21] <Spaz> >_>
[08:28:22] <Spaz> Hey
[08:28:27] <Spaz> You do the chest compressions
[08:28:33] <Spaz> I'll do the mouth-to-mouth
[08:28:35] <Yasiou> orite
[08:28:39] <Yasiou> 1
[08:28:39] <Yasiou> 2
[08:28:40] <Yasiou> 3
[08:28:41] <Yasiou> 4
[08:28:41] <Yasiou> 5
[08:28:43] <Yasiou> 6
[08:28:43] <Yasiou> 7
[08:28:44] <Yasiou> 8
[08:28:45] <Yasiou> 9
[08:28:46] <Yasiou> 10
[08:28:54] * Spaz makes awkward sexual noise
[08:29:07] <Spaz> er
[08:29:10] <Spaz> wat
[08:29:11] <Yasiou> errmm...o-one
[08:29:11] <Spaz> >_>
[08:29:11] <Yasiou> 2
[08:29:13] <Yasiou> 3
[08:29:14] <Yasiou> 4
[08:29:15] <Yasiou> 5
[08:29:19] <Yasiou> 6
[08:29:20] <Yasiou> 7
[08:29:21] <Yasiou> 8
[08:29:21] <Yasiou> 9
[08:29:22] <Spaz> mmm...
[08:29:23] <Yasiou> 10
[08:30:16] * Yasiou wait for mouth-to-mouth
[08:30:25] <Spaz> wot
[08:30:32] <Yasiou> *waits -> goddamnit
[08:30:34] <Spaz> I haven't taken my mouth off of his.
[08:30:36] <Spaz> er
[08:30:37] <Spaz> wot
[08:30:45] <Yasiou> oic
[08:30:54] <Yasiou> so, do I just keep going?
[08:31:04] <Spaz> You know, its proabably a good thing that internet CPR teams don't exist, and more so that we aren't one if they did.
[08:31:07] -->| lancer_c_ (lance@7F16FBF9.16372DC6.B655C2BA.IP) has joined #toriguru
[08:31:10] |<-- lancer_c has left (Connection reset by peer)
[08:31:12] <Spaz> ohi
[08:31:14] <Spaz> Lancer?
[08:31:16] <Spaz> NOOO
[08:31:18] <Spaz> WE LOST IHM!!
[08:31:29] <Spaz> Good thing I have a degree in necrophilia.
[08:31:30] <Spaz> er
[08:31:31] <Spaz> wot
[08:32:28] <Yasiou> ...
[08:32:50] <Yasiou> I think -I-I-I think my brain exploded
[08:33:05] <Spaz> >_>
[08:33:07] <Spaz> why?
[08:33:18] <Spaz> and how are you thinking if your brain exploded?
[08:33:20] <Yasiou> because of urfaec
[08:33:22] <Yasiou> lololol
[08:33:50] <Spaz> clearly my face didn't cause mental explosia
[08:34:00] <Spaz> Yes. It's a disease now.
[08:34:02] <Yasiou> oh sir...the question is how are you communicating with one who is brainless?
[08:34:07] <Spaz> And it's highly contagious.
[08:34:08] <Yasiou> that is the real question
[08:34:17] <Spaz> Um
[08:34:20] <Spaz> right now
[08:34:22] <Spaz> Texutally.
[08:34:29] <Spaz> textually*
[08:34:34] <Yasiou> sexually?
[08:34:40] <Yasiou> i mean..
[08:34:41] <Yasiou> :o
[08:35:09] <Spaz> That too
[08:35:16] <Yasiou> oic
[08:35:22] <Spaz> YAsiou, you like my... "body language?"
[08:35:56] <Yasiou> I CAN"T SEE YOU
[08:36:03] <Yasiou> OR IS THAT PART OF THE ACT?
[08:36:24] <Spaz> ;)
[08:36:31] <Yasiou>


[20:29:26] <ishiafk> jbh
[20:29:29] <Million> nhgi
[20:29:31] <Spazam> Just be honest?
[20:29:42] <ishiafk> random keys
[20:29:43] <ishiafk> ;o
[20:29:47] <Million> same
[20:29:49] <Million>
[20:29:52] <Spazam> No, hate g... oh
[20:29:59] <ishiafk> vgk
[20:30:10] <Spazam> vaginal game k...
[20:30:12] <Spazam> hmm
[20:30:16] <ishiafk> very good klondikebar
[20:30:16] <Million> vicious goat killer
[20:30:19] <Spazam> lol
[20:30:28] |<-- Yasiou has left (Ping timeout)
[20:30:28] <ishiafk> dtdyt
[20:30:29] <Spazam> shutupaboutmypreversion
[20:31:35] <Spazam> die today, die yesterday, tomorrow.
[20:31:51] <ishiafk> do the dew you trannie
[20:31:56] <Spazam> lol!\
[20:32:07] <Million> haha
[20:32:19] <ishiafk> fdtr
[20:32:32] <ishiafk> owait afk --->
[20:32:47] <Spazam> fags dye transsexual reindeer
[20:32:47] <Million> --->
[20:33:03] <Spazam> =(
[20:33:12] <Spazam> but I like that game
[20:33:13] <Million> <----
[20:33:18] <Spazam> yay
[20:33:26] <Spazam> toobad ishiafk isn't back
[20:33:27] <Spazam> =(
[20:33:33] <Million>
[20:33:35] <Spazam> it's more fun when there are three
[20:33:51] <ishiafk> FREE DRAGONS TRADING ROCKS
[20:33:58] <ishiafk> ok no really i have to go
[20:33:58] <ishiafk> ;o
[20:34:01] <Million> bye
[20:34:02] <Spazam> lol
[20:34:06] <Spazam> bye ishi
[20:35:42] <Vigilante> ISHI
[20:35:42] <Million> I miss the colbert report D:
[20:35:47] <Vigilante> TRADE COCKS WITH ME
[20:35:49] <Vigilante> ROCKS*


[16:26:09] <Vigilante> !kick mosier you ate a faggot
Last edited by Spaztic_One; Sep 15, 2008 at 10:27 PM.
Be careful...
...we're watching.
OK, last post is a week old, I'm making a new post...


[00:33:05] * Spaz sneaks up behind lancer_c and sets up the cardboard replica of mosier, taps lance on the shoulder and hides.
[00:33:21] * lancer_c Turns around quickly.
[00:33:26] <lancer_c> STOP SNEAKING UP ON ME MOSIER!
[00:33:48] * lancer_c punches the cutout though the chest.
[00:33:51] * Mosier taps lancer in the back and puts a cardboard rick astley behind lancer
[00:34:10] * lancer_c Turns around quickly.
[00:34:16] * Spaz snickers.
[00:34:30] <lancer_c> LOL YOU GOT ME RICK
[00:34:39] * Spaz cracks up
[00:34:41] <Spaz> hahahahaha
[00:34:42] * lancer_c punches the cutout through the chest.
[00:34:56] * Mosier gets a milkshake


[21:42:42] <lancer_c> my dog is staring at me
[21:42:46] <lancer_c> 1.) ignore it
[21:42:50] <Spaz> so am I
[21:42:51] <lancer_c> 2.) give it pizza
[21:42:59] <lancer_c> 3.) make funny noises at it
[21:43:30] <lancer_c> waiting
[21:43:43] <lancer_c> its doing tricks
[21:43:46] <lancer_c> waiting for your answer
[21:43:48] <Spaz> 1, dog grows impatient and kills you for being insolent
[21:44:02] <lancer_c> pick one
[21:44:05] <lancer_c> its crying
[21:44:16] <Spaz> 3, you insult it, it kills you.
[21:44:29] <Spaz> 2, it is satisfied with your offering.
[21:44:34] <Spaz> You may live another day
[21:44:42] <lancer_c> I took option 2
[21:44:47] <lancer_c> it is staring again
[21:44:57] <Spaz> your options?
[21:45:00] <Spaz> same, differnt?
[21:45:05] <lancer_c> same
[21:45:12] <lancer_c> ohshi
[21:45:14] <lancer_c> the other dog came
[21:45:18] <lancer_c> now they are both staring
[21:45:51] <Spaz> [note: Lancer is now screwed.]
[21:46:01] <lancer_c> one is growling
[21:46:04] <lancer_c> it rawred
[21:46:08] <Spaz> attempt to appease it.
[21:46:11] <Spaz> with an offering
[21:46:27] <Spaz> toss any pizza or infants you may be carrying at its feet
[21:46:27] <lancer_c> I am, but their hunger does not cease
[21:46:48] <Spaz> Do you have any higher level food stuffs?
[21:47:04] <lancer_c> its from pizza hut
[21:47:13] <Spaz> hm, level seven
[21:47:18] <lancer_c> its about the highest level of food they want
[21:47:26] <lancer_c> the cheese from it
[21:48:05] <lancer_c> if i was drinking milk I would really be screwed
[21:48:33] <Spaz> attempt an exotic dance, however, do not bare anymore flesh than you normally do, the flesh of the humans is repulsive in nature, and they may kill you
[21:49:33] <Spaz> [Note: Unless it is that of an infant, then they will kill and consume it, for it is a delicacy until it is aged.]
[21:50:26] <Spaz> How goes your ritual?
[21:51:03] <Spaz> Do not let it surpass five minutes, as they may suspect you are up to something, and kill you.
[21:51:05] <lancer_c> they are unasumed
[21:51:20] <lancer_c> they keep requesting more pizza
[21:51:31] <Spaz> are you denying them?
[21:51:36] <lancer_c> no
[21:51:39] <lancer_c> I keep supplying them
[21:51:41] <Spaz> Wise.
[21:52:02] <lancer_c> yay!
[21:52:13] <Spaz> Have they moved on?
[21:52:26] <lancer_c> I took the crust part of one of the pizzas that was already mostly eaten
[21:52:31] <lancer_c> and put it infront of one
[21:52:34] <lancer_c> it stared at it
[21:52:37] <lancer_c> grabed it
[21:52:39] <lancer_c> turned around
[21:52:41] <lancer_c> and walked off
[21:52:45] <lancer_c> the other one followed
[21:53:03] <Spaz> *Final Fantasy Victory music*
[21:53:10] <Spaz> You leveled up!
[21:53:16] <lancer_c> \o/
[21:53:20] <Spaz> o/
[21:53:32] * Spaz divides.
[21:53:36] <Spaz> \o
[21:53:46] <Spaz> o/*\o/*\o
[21:53:51] * Spaz reforms


[01:05:37] <pyreon> god this is long
[01:05:37] <pyreon> lol
[01:05:38] <pyreon> but it's pretty much exactly what i wanted
[01:05:52] <Spaz> thats what she said
[01:06:06] <pyreon> that was good >.>
[01:06:18] <Spaz> I do what I can. ^_^
[01:06:21] <lancer_c> wow
Last edited by Spaztic_One; Sep 27, 2008 at 07:08 AM.
Be careful...
...we're watching.
zomg, last post is TWO weeks old. =O


[20:48:56] <Spaztrix> i might get the job
[20:49:02] * Mosier High fivee!
[20:49:07] <Spaztrix> \o
[20:49:12] <Spaztrix> o/\*\o
[20:49:20] <Spaztrix> oshi, I broke your arm
[20:49:59] <Mosier> ouch
[20:49:59] <Mosier>
Be careful...
...we're watching.
Wtf amirite?
You're all on crack.



Edit: Unsuccessful bump is unsuccessful.
Last edited by Argentum; Oct 8, 2008 at 04:32 PM.
u wan fite bruv ill mash yer fokn ead in sware on me mum
[02:07:47] <Spaztrix> Christans keep dogs as pets and eat them too
[02:07:52] <Spaztrix> why can't we do the same?
[02:07:53] <Spaztrix> er
[02:07:54] <Spaztrix> rofl
[02:08:01] <lancer_c> ..huh?
[02:08:03] <Spaztrix> I meant the Chinese
[02:08:04] <Spaztrix> rofl


[02:09:59] <Spaztrix> I expect domesticated gods would taste different from the wild ones.


[03:59:04] <Spaz> how am I an extrovert?
[03:59:20] <Mosier> well, you are being one right now
[03:59:21] <million> cause you are like "omg lol I'm talking"
[03:59:25] <Mosier> LOL
[03:59:27] <Spaz> >_>


[21:47:32] <doctor-dendrite> vigi are you clanless again?
[21:47:36] <Vigilante> yeah
[21:47:39] <Vigilante> I don't like sheep
[21:47:43] <Vigilante> cool guys
[21:47:46] <Vigilante> not me.
[21:47:56] <doctor-dendrite>
[21:48:07] <doctor-dendrite> *coughgurucough*
[21:50:00] <doctor-dendrite> i hope i dont have a guru stuck in my throat
[21:50:14] <Spaz> So that's where Psy-T has been all this time..
[21:50:23] <doctor-dendrite> he exploded
[21:50:24] <doctor-dendrite> or something
[21:50:33] <Spaz> in your throat?
[21:50:34] <Spaz> D=
[21:50:41] <Vigilante> scary shiz
Last edited by Spaztic_One; Oct 14, 2008 at 03:57 AM.
Be careful...
...we're watching.
[21:26:06] <steveirwin> he would have lived if he hadn't taken it out.
[21:26:10] <steveirwin> pulled it out*
[21:26:13] <Spaz> That's what she said
[21:26:15] <Spaz> O_o


[21:34:46] <Spaz> I'm horny.
[21:34:48] <Nami-Swan> Yum.


<Mosier> Spaz: you cant stick a penis into a usb drive
<Mosier> yet...
<Mosier> brb
* Mosier OH MY (bleep)ING GOD THAT HURTS
|<-- Mosier has left (Connection reset by peer)


[21:39:30] * Spaz million
[21:41:34] |<-- million has left (Quit: )
[21:41:38] <Spaz> win


Irwin and Nami are Vigi.
Last edited by Spaztic_One; Oct 20, 2008 at 03:43 AM.
Be careful...
...we're watching.
[00:22] <Yasiou> MOSIER!
[00:22] <Yasiou> MOSIER!
[00:22] <Yasiou> MOSIER!
[00:22] <Yasiou> MOSIER!
[00:22] <Mosier> YASIOU!
[00:22] <Yasiou> MOSIER!
[00:22] <Yasiou> MOSIER!
[00:22] <Mosier> YASIOU!
[00:22] <Mosier> YASIOU!
[00:22] <Mosier> YASIOU!
[00:22] <Mosier> YASIOU!
[00:22] <Yasiou> MOSIER!
[00:22] <Mosier> YASIOU!
[00:22] <Mosier> YASIOU!
[00:22] <Mosier> YASIOU!
[00:22] <Yasiou> MOSIER!
[00:22] <Mosier> YASIOU!
[00:22] <Mosier> YASIOU!
[00:22] <Mosier> YASIOU!
[00:22] <Mosier> YASIOU!
[00:22] <Yasiou> MOSIER!
[00:22] <Mosier> YASIOU!
[00:22] <Mosier> YASIOU!
[00:22] <Mosier> YASIOU!
[00:22] <Mosier> YASIOU!
[00:22] <Yasiou> MOSIER!
[00:22] <Mosier> YASIOU!
[00:22] <Mosier> YASIOU!
[00:22] <Mosier> YASIOU!
[00:22] <Mosier> YASIOU!
[00:22] <Yasiou> MOSIER!
[00:22] <Mosier> YASIOU!
[00:22] <Mosier> YASIOU!
[00:22] <Mosier> YASIOU!
[00:22] <Mosier> YASIOU!
[00:22] <Mosier> YASIOU!
[00:22] <Mosier> YASIOU!
[00:22] <Yasiou> MOSIER!
[00:22] <Mosier> YASIOU!
[00:22] <Mosier> YASIOU!
[00:22] <Mosier> YASIOU!
[00:22] <Mosier> YASIOU!
[00:22] <Yasiou> MOSIER!
[00:22] <Yasiou> MOSIER!
[00:22] <Yasiou> MOSIER!
[00:22] <Yasiou> MOSIER!
[00:22] <Mosier> YASIOU!
[00:22] <Mosier> YASIOU!
[00:22] <Yasiou> MOSIER!
[00:22] <Yasiou> MOSIER!
[00:22] <Yasiou> MOSIER!
[00:22] <Yasiou> MOSIER!
[00:22] <Yasiou> MOSIER!
[00:22] <Yasiou> MOSIER!
[00:22] <Yasiou> MOSIER!
[00:22] <Yasiou> MOSIER!
[00:22] <Yasiou> MOSIER!
[00:22] <Yasiou> MOSIER!
[00:24] <Yasiou> Hi mosier
[00:24] <Yasiou> :<
[00:24] <Yasiou> hmm
[00:25] <Yasiou> I may just post that in guru IRC thread...
[00:25] <Mosier> lol
[00:25] <Mosier> that would take like, 50 posts
[00:25] <Mosier> haha
[00:25] <Yasiou> because liek, its not funny at all, but like people will be expecting funny stuff
[00:25] <Yasiou> and when they discover that its not funny they'll be like
[00:25] <Yasiou> "oh"
[00:25] <Yasiou> and then they will see whatIdidthar then be like
[00:25] <Yasiou> "oooh"
[00:26] <Mosier> then I will look at the posts and be like
[00:26] <Yasiou> and then be like "yeah that was the exact opposite of what I was looking for"
[00:26] <Mosier> "oooooh"
[00:26] <Yasiou> and then send me money

This was not meant to be anything except for a gigantic Space filling post