Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Man, I cant beat the cerulean gym level. My team for it is:

Lvl 25 Raichu
Lvl 25 Raichu
Lvl 25 Kadabra
Lvl 25 Raticate
Lvl 25 Shiny Pidgeotto
Lvl 25 Charmeleon(cant use him, only 5 allowed in this level)

edit: my attacks cant kill the goldeens and do nothing whatsoever to staryu and starmie. Even raichu does nothing with its electric attacks.
Last edited by Gum; May 22, 2011 at 05:39 AM.
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars
You do the same theing and then you just type the code and security code WRITE IT DOWN though
Gum do they know any turn around moves and slow down/ lower defense you need 3 attackers
Most used tactic is 1 golem in the center using rock blast 2 other attackers on the upper corners and 2 slow downs on the bottom corners
oh shuckle do you have an extra bellsprout (I cant find one, on blue or red)
Last edited by airstrike6; May 22, 2011 at 05:51 AM.
Originally Posted by Gum View Post
Man, I cant beat the cerulean gym level. My team for it is:

Lvl 25 Raichu
Lvl 25 Raichu
Lvl 25 Kadabra
Lvl 25 Raticate
Lvl 25 Shiny Pidgeotto
Lvl 25 Charmeleon(cant use him, only 5 allowed in this level)

edit: my attacks cant kill the goldeens and do nothing whatsoever to staryu and starmie. Even raichu does nothing with its electric attacks.

I seem to defeat goldeens by using the Charmeleon lv19 (center), monkey lv17 up, pidgeotto lv18 down.

In fact got passed Cerulean city. My team is:

Charmeleon lv 19, Nidoking 18, Geodude 18, Pidgeotto 18, poliwag 17 and monkey 17.

i cant train my pokemon till my brother goes to sleep i was training on the desktop and didn't get the chance to save to my online profile and he wont let me i cant get it on my laptop D:
I just won Misty, heres a tip for you guys: Put something that knows roar or whirlwind in the middle, use the strongest move it has, but when you see goldeen or one of those starmons, switch to whirlwind or roar, when the pokemon changes direction, switch back to something that makes lots of damage.

Thats how I won her
[duck] 01101000 01101001 01110000 01101111 01110100 01101001 01100010 01101111 01110010
airstrike6 I do not have an extra one, but I will give you the one I have now :> Its only fair, and hes not good for much right now, I'll pm you the stuff for him
There was an update
What's new on this update?
  • Move Relearner - Try out old moves that you missed.
  • New Challenge mode - can you get the old rod before you run out of energy?
  • Level cap up to 28 - Who's that pokemon? It's Primeape!
  • New pokemon to catch with the old rod.
I'm gonna go try this out now! I don't understand the old rod though lol. But what ever, can't wait to try this out, brb

But wait, I just checked and theres nothing new, its only still at the misty gym and it stops, also doesn't have the challenge