This public announcement was brought to you by your friends at Degeneration X, who want to remind you that if you aren't down with that, we've got two words for ya! Suck it!
Ya I did
This public announcement was brought to you by your friends at Degeneration X, who want to remind you that if you aren't down with that, we've got two words for ya! Suck it!
He said pi, as in 3.1415926...
Coming undone is okay, i'll give it a six.

No sleep till Brooklyn by Beastie Boys
Only Emos /wrists
less than 2 but greater then 1.99
This public announcement was brought to you by your friends at Degeneration X, who want to remind you that if you aren't down with that, we've got two words for ya! Suck it!
nooooooo. keep guessin
This public announcement was brought to you by your friends at Degeneration X, who want to remind you that if you aren't down with that, we've got two words for ya! Suck it!