hi dudes ^^

I want to join your clan... I'm playing for a while now and now I don't want to be so alone ^^

Belt: Brown... (like 70 to black)
My Look: Gladiator, Chronos, Head texture and ava
Style: Taekyon !!!

activity: I was not so active the last days... because I couldn't find enough tk-servers and... idk ^^ but with a clan I think i'll be more active

personal: I'm 16 (almost 17) and I'm from germany... (no perfect english ^^)

hope you'll accept me... kbye ^^
▼ [CW] ▼ [OoT] ▼ [OLDA] ▼ [some more stuff I can't remember... ♥ [Addicted]
joining form
am blue and i have 90 matches to brown

I want to join Evil.
I am a brown belt,and I have 420 left for Black.
I have a Gaia Force,Full orc,and aquaRelax,chronosgrip.most of me is orc.And I have some useless Gladiator and Orc in my inventory.

I am a Jumper and gripper
I like to fly high and I like to show my ToriStrength.

To answer the other questions.
Forum activity (y/n): I post my replays..I check the forum on a regular basis.I will be active if it's necessary.But if you are talking about the Evil then I will be active,no need to ask.
in-game activity (y/n):
Yes,daily.I play approx 160matches a day.
Reason you want to join [Evil]:
It's cool to have a clan.I would like to learn more about joints.I like rivalries.I would like to help Evil go back up.As I have read that it has been hacked or something like that.
Anything else important you want to tell me:
Yup...Although I am a blue belt,I have have kicked many black belts's asses.My specialty is Aikido.tbm,and Twinswords4.tbm,judo.tbm
