Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Rest easy, Static. I'll miss getting to chat with you.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
I shared some great times with Static, we were always so competitive towards each during my more active days on the game.. He helped me improve so much as a player just by gracing me with his company, a true friend.

May he continue to remove heads in the next life
If you're reading this, you just failed...
He made a pretty good LENSHU3NG tutorial with iris before leaving


Toribash Season 1 Rank 3 | Ex-ES Artist | Ex-Mascot of [Alpha]
Rest in peace, Chris. You were like a brother to me, we certainly had our ups and downs, it pains me to my core that I wasn't able to say goodbye, but it pains me even more I didn't spend more time with you. You were an amazing friend, an amazing clanmate, an amazing person as a whole. You were, and always will be a blessing to this world, one that can't and won't ever be replaced. It's hard for me to type stuff out, especially when it comes to this, you were there for me when I needed it. You were there for all of us really. If there is an afterlife, some form of heaven, I'm sure you're there, and if you can see us down on this eroding rock of a planet, know that all of us, every single one of us, love you. I'm still just as speechless as I was when I found out you passed. I'm honestly trying so damn hard not tory cry over this, I know you'd want me to stay strong, but it's so fucking hard. It's so god damn hard not to fucking cry over losing someone as valuable and amazing as you are. I love you Chris, as a sister, as a clanmate, as a friend, as family. Fly high king.
I'm still at a complete loss for words, Rest in Peace Static
fuck man, ill miss you so much, i hope you knew how much i cared about you
I remember when I met Static in Origin back in 2016. Little did I know he would be one of the best friends that I had through my youth. Even though we didn't talk very often in his last few years we would always stay in touch and he always had a positive outlook on life. Even with all of the challenges he faced every day he showed great strength and resilience that rivals anyone that I have known. Rest in peace buddy you have made an impact on my life and many others that were lucky enough to meet you along the way. you WILL NOT be forgotten.
Washed player