Endurance Onslaught 6.0
I got invited and the girl is a cool person. \○/

I still need to upload taupo pictures. But I will also recount the nights events in a long post just cause it will be funny for some.
Ok so story time. (will end on cliffhangers maybe since I have to sleep at some point)

21st birthday. I got invited. 12-hour bus ride away (7 and a half drive without stopping in a car) but the bus also had stops to make so it wasn't so bad. Had stuff to eat and I managed to snag a seat that was $10 extra each way so I had my phone and a charger for music and books, it reclined and no one was next to me... It was chill.

Fast forward to the end of the bus ride. (which was late, so instead of being there at 6:30 pm, I step off at about 7:45 pm)

I google maps the place and it's on the riverside. I think that's pretty neat.
I work out the bus rides I need (the trains were down from the earthquake) and the two buses I need to take total the ride from the city to the kinda countryside area would be about another hour.

Good times, Bus driver drops me off closer than the actual stop since I was the last one on and he had to turn around and there wasn't anywhere near so he was going that way anyway.

Walked down a path with dim lighting, which split into forks about 5 times in about something like 750 meters. Had google maps on my phone so it didn't take long. Got to the point on the map and went. "This is just gravel, where the fuck is the place"

Turns out that googling it gave me a different address than the one that facebook linked too. Nice, how far away? 45 min walk. Back into the city.


I needed to find a road so I could get an uber, cause fuck walking after all the walking I'd done already. I needed a drink.

Get an Uber and he's a chill dude. He does the midnight shift by choice cause he gets tips from drunk people and it's nice to blast music.

Get there at about 10 pm. Being late to a party was never rewarded so well.

Had a few ciders with the birthday girls parents, (everyone else was more or less going home) and some other people I knew from fencing. Got introduced to some people that didn't do fencing and brought some life to a dying party. I quite enjoy my random flukes at being funny when put on the spot y'know?

Anyway, people are planning to go to town, ends up being 5 of us. I knew the birthday girl and one dude who is also a fencer. I didn't talk to him very often but I knew he was an alright dude normally and without his idiotic friends he's someone I'd gladly chill out with. He also smokes when he's drinking so +1 for him.

After last call, I got a Johnnie Walker (Black label of course), cause the bartender liked me and the dude, went and got cigs from the gas station across the road and then sat down on the steps outside the bar waiting for the others.

Eventually, they came out and I lost about 4 cigs to hands that came outta nowhere. Then we all packing in the van to the city and went to town. Was a typical town night. Except did you know that in Wellington there are no surcharges to actually fucking enter? God damn, going to town in Auckland is like a lucky dip. Pick a bar and pray it's worth the fee even without buying any drinks. Wellington, you just walk in and party. Super jealous tbH >__<.

Went home at uuuuuuh, 3 am? I went to the 24-hour Maccas across from the train station so I could at least have a slight chance of not sleeping before the bus arrived and I missed it.

During the 4 hours in Maccas, I got a free burger, got a checkout girls number, and watched a crazy guy attack the wall with advertisements on it and then try to climb the room divider things between the ordering and seating areas. (think of the fancy ass half walls in places, got slots or squares in them n shit. Just for looks.)

Sat, Laid down, kneeled, idk what else I did but the position was comfortable, on the chair and got a few winks. Had my phone on vibrate for every 15 mins so I didn't properly sleep. Got some food at about 5 to make sure I didn't sleep and chatted to the checkout girl while she did nothing but look pretty. Got the free burger from the manager since I didn't throw up on the floor or yell at them even though it was super early and it was obvious I'd been drinking a little bit I hadn't had too much and wasn't being a cunt. Note: I like pickles now, this was new information to me.

Crazy dude came in at about 6-6:15 and first impression was that he was either drunk or on something rough. Turns out it was neither, he was just nuts. He bought some food and waited for it. When it was delivered he didn't acknowledge it. (His head was down in his arms, leaning on the table) The guy (probably a manager, he was the boss of the place at the time and afaik they don't let non-managers command the business centre at that kinda time) put it next to him and he definitely heard him do it, plus the contact on his arm. The manager made eyecontact with me in that kinda "wtf" way and then shook his shoulder and said "hey mate?".

The dude started up and just went "the fuck?" and then saw his food and just went "oh right". Manager just shrugged and went back to work. Crazy dude didn't really eat his food, instead he just tore the bag open and put his drink pretty much a full arms length away.

Need more info about the crazy dude and the mysterious side-character fencer friend of the girl who turned out to be alright
Chronicles of Icky is the best thread
one time i had a hair deep in my urethra and when i pulled it out it felt kinda good ~fudgiebalz 2020

<~Skul> they're not children, they're demon midgets
<~Skul> if you kill one in front of the rest, they'll scatter and leave

Forgot to mention the hobo i chilled with. He sat inside in one of the benches out of the way of the regular people. He was ok. Talked a lot about his dog that passed on 2 years prior. I showed him photos of my dog and cats and we had a dmc about animals and happiness.

Side character is called Russel, I've known him for a while but never talked to him much cause he was in the idiot crowd. But there was one time were he said something clever and it went over the heads of that crowd and I laughed. After that we talked more and hes allg.

Crazy dude put his drink down and then opened his burger wrapper. Looked like a big mac (id what else theyd be called just google them. Its like the blt of burgers with lettuce and no bacon or tomato. He shoves the burger inside and ofc it practically loses most of it instantly but he just chews what he managed to get and its whatevs. Then he puts his hands on his head and slicks his hair back. (He has some kinda afro btw). You know that one you do where you're frustrated and you just kinda pull your hair backwards? Just like that. I couldn't know if he had an orgasm from the burger or just realised he could have if he fucked it first and was very disappointed he didnt realise till then.

Anyway most of it went in but the rest was in the bag. He hadn't swallowed his first lot but that wouldn't stop crazy man. He shoves in some chips and lettuce then shakes his head and uses his hands to move his hair violently. Like in the movies when a spider lands on someones head. He starts grunting too, was very odd.

Eventually he swallows and then does his best homer simpson imagining donuts crossed with zombie groan and then goes silent for a bit staring at the roof. He then stops and checks his pocket, then starts wondering out loud where his $1 coin went. There were 4 of us (including him and excluding staff) that were in the area with him and we were all just leaving him alone. He then assumes he dropped it and started looking under the little ridge that runs along the walls. (Idk what its called but its not a skirt or anything. It acts as some sort of barrier between tables/benches and walls do they don't mark it.

example i made on phone

Get the idea?

Anyway he assumes its under there so he goes and gets another straw and trues to flick it out. (Keep in mind the gap between floor and thing is about 2/3 cm so its easy to do with a finger. And also, if it was there it would be easy to spot.

After about 2 mins he gets pissed and demands it back. He starts running into the wall and asking the advertising why it was being a theif. (What the heck?)

It was odd. He gave up though and went back to eating his chips(fries for you ignorant twats) and it was all over.

Till he climbed the room dividers. They were from the floor to the roof, with about 50 cm of tiled wall on the bottom for them to stand on and be anchored by. Basically picture just an wooden wall, then add slits length-ways and you're good. He tried climbing then. No explanation, just tried.
Manager politely and in a half-hearted way told him to get down. He didn't respond and the manager told him to do it.

Guy asked why and manager said it wasn't safe and he'd kick him oit if he didn't get down. He got down then shoved the rest of the lettuce and cheese from the burger in his mouth and walked out. Then ran back in and 'stole' his drink gollum style and ran off again.
I saw him again with a friend of his like an hoir later when wating for my bus. He had finished his drink and was just walking with that 'swagger' style you see in lame movies and shows that have to prove how hood the black guy in the show is.

Then I got on the bus and slept home.

Cool we done.