Originally Posted by ZenZombie View Post
Well, firstly, the max amout of TC that can be in the system at once would have to be raised.

Lol Agreed x2
Originally Posted by southparkX View Post
1000 to 2500 Wii Points

And how many dollars would that be??
(O_O)------Surprise Buttsecks Face.
Originally Posted by ZenZombie View Post
And how many dollars would that be??

Like 20$ idk just got wii for my BDay 7 days Ago
Originally Posted by ZenZombie View Post
Servers overloaded, our entire Economy fucked up and screwed, A bunch of newfag noobs running around shoveling and being annoying ass shits.

......... I'm now scared.

This is basically the first thing i think of.

but other than that, fap fap fap :o
Doubt you'll see it on TV, unless Nintendo think it's good enough to be on TV and invested in it themselves.
Originally Posted by illripyou View Post
I think its going to be awsome the only problem is if it goes on t.v then the toribash community will become over populated.

But, its only a wiiware, wont be on tv. but he is right if more people come on this site you need some better hardware.
I will be very pleased when it comes out for the wii ware but will u have to start up a new profile?