Playstation will always win my opinion because PS has been around for so much longer and therefore will have many wore supporters.

Just another thought.
fanboy war go!

in all seriousness. The 360 is a better "pick up and play" console. The stock controller is faar better, LIVE is better than online ps3 gaming, and the 360 has (arguably) much better titles. All that said, the ps3 also boasts good titles and is reputeddly more stable.

Both are overpriced, especially concerning games. I always felt the 360 was more what one would want from a console, since when you want supergraphics, that's really computer territory.
Originally Posted by alexzandro View Post
1 thought on cost: the ps3 actually costs less when you add up all the other stuff for it.
its like this:
Xbox 360: 170$
wireless adapter: 100$
1 yr of live: 100$
blu-ray player: 150$ at the very least
this adds up to 530 dollars, the ps3 costs 400 and all of that stuff is included.not to mention red rings. and u said that u got it when it came out so the warranty is running out and future red rings may be a problem because it goes for 3 yrs.
srry if this sounds like spamming/ flaming, just a thought

never ever play withot a wire! -100$
and if you dont have a HD tv you wont need the blu-ray either (-150$ if you dont)

yet again xbox live suffers from lots of lag
only reason i bought a 360 were the the upcoming titles that seemed more apealing and possibly will be
+project natal is going to wipe its ass with eye toy.(hopefully)
Last edited by Aff3; Jul 2, 2009 at 12:30 PM.
This is surprising, we haven't had any 'omg ps3 suxx' posts yet.

I'll be honest, I don't like the PS3, but then there's not too much bad to say about it, other than its overpriced for a console (mind, 360 always retailed at a loss anyways). Also; Blu-Ray is pretty overhyped, and there aren't too many PS3 exclusive games (though they are few and far between, there's no denying their quality).

But there are two main arguments for it - MGS4 and Ninja Gaiden Σ 2.
Three rules of Q - 1. Qegola and Quarantine both start with Q. 2. There is no U in Qegola. 3. Qegola is you new god.

So a man walks into a bar with a monkey. I forgot the rest of the joke but your mom is a whore.
Originally Posted by Thanatos12 View Post
I have had an xbox360 elite ever since it's release date August 24, 2007.
I am seriously considering getting a PS3 with the 80gb HDD.

So should I get a PS3?


1. MGS4....I must have this game, I honestly think I may die if I don't play it.
2. inFamous....really want to play it.
3. God Of War 3....played the previous 2 and loved both of them.
4. Agent...PS3 exclusive, not much out about it yet but sounds promising.

5. More and more PS3 exclusives coming out...Uncharted 2 looks awesome

So is it worth it?
Overall I would be buying:

PlayStation 3 (80gb) £250
InFamous £ 40
[Prototype] £ 40
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The Patriots £ 18
Wireless Headset £ 18

And then buying more games in October/November (Best games come out then)

I've had my ps3 for almost a year now. It never froze or anything like that. The ps3 controllers are rechargeable (they don't require batteries like Xbox ones) and motion activated. Online isn't that laggy. My friend owns infamous and I own the demo, and it's extremely fun. Also, somebody said you can play ps2 games on your ps3, that's untrue. You were able to play them but a few months ago Sony took backwards compatible ones of the market. And the PSN store still needs a bit of improvements.
One last thing, if your a person who likes to hack things, theres a way to put linux on your ps3 using ubuntu.
+project natal is going to wipe its ass with eye toy.(hopefully)

It'll just fail as much as the Wii did. There's just no way someone will want to actually move to play a game, no matter how fun it is.
Hardcore gamers will never purchase things that require physical stress :>

EDIT: Also, Eye toy failed just as horribly etc.
Originally Posted by DoubleG View Post
Xbox 360

Ps3 is mostly just graphics

way to be a Combo Breaker dammit >.<

Well, for launch titles, xbox had better, which is why BEFORE, most people would've said no way, go for xbox, but the ps3 has gotten a lot more exclusives now that people realize it's out-of-box power.

Hardware/performance-wise, the ps3 is generally considered superior.
Plus it has bluray (and hd-dvd isn't made anymore) so thats a major plus for home theater shiz.

BTW, i LOVE infamous. It was the reason I kinda didn't log on much to tb after I returned from germany
I was playing it so much :]
Lent it to a friend.

MGS4 was great too.
They are also making 2 more mgs titles soon too, which I can't wait for!

Hey, if you are financially capable, i'd say go for it.
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Oh yeah, MGS4 was an epic movie.

But no, the gameplay was fun as hell, I liked the new revised movement and weapons system. I'm just sad we didn't get to use Snake that much in the series :< I mean, in Metal Gear 1 + 2 he's a little 16 bit 2-D sprite. Metal Gear Solid was the pinnacle of sneaky-snake-iness, but even then he was kind of old as he had retired before the game started. MGS2 we're teased with a version of Snake who can be rollin' them bitches, and then we're stuck with Raiden, who's enormously gay throughout MGS2 and then a sudden uncontrollable bad-ass in MGS4. MGS3, we play as Big Boss. MGS4 Snake is groaning about his sciatica half the time you actually play.

Anyways, IMO the PS3 was launched kind of late in relation to the other seventh-generation consoles. The 360 had a big head-start as far as sales and development goes, but then a lot of cross-platform games came out which nearly leveled the playing field, and then the PS3 started pulling all these exclusives out its ass.

Multi-purpose wise, I also favor the PS3. Blu-ray is cool, but the other aspects like storing music and small videos is also awesome, and I think that the current PlayStation Network is also doing pretty well. I don't mean online, I mean the Sony equivalent of the XBLA, being able to download things like PS1 games.

As for online, community-wise, there's a little less people, but thankfully most of them are a lot more mature than your average Halo-teabagger. There also isn't any lag (from what I've experienced, anyways) and the online is totally free, which is also awesome.

All in all, if you're a rich-ass mofo, get both, because there are a lot of cool exclusives on either console. The 360 costs a bit less, but the PS3 is a bigger value if you can afford it.
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.