Originally Posted by CMon View Post
Too true.

As for me, I were overly nice and happy as a noob, and took it for granted that everyone else were wonderful people with the same mindset as myself.

Now, two and a half year later, my naive neb-dreams have been torn from me and this molestation of my childlike spirit has left me emotionally dead inside.

I like how CMon and leaf express my thoughts better than myself.
Ahh I didn't get the forums much at first, the old-layout confused me.

To be put simple I couldn't tell that I had posted before and for the hell of me couldn't figure out why I liked smileys back then. Thou' I'm glad to say I had only 3 of those idiotic posts.

Originally Posted by CMon View Post
Too true.

As for me, I were overly nice and happy as a noob, and took it for granted that everyone else were wonderful people with the same mindset as myself.

Now, two and a half year later, my naive neb-dreams have been torn from me and this molestation of my childlike spirit has left me emotionally dead inside.

That. Now it's mostly some form of mildly intelligent sarcasm.
I try to erase my nooblet past out of my memory.
This is the Emergency Alert System. All normal programming has been discontinued during this emergency.
When i was a noob i was hopelessly addicted to this game, and very rarely visited the forums.
Character-wise i was pretty much the same, perhaps a bit less cynical though.
I used to type like "omg thats so cool if i win can i haz asomorealrkm plz?".
When I looked back , I was actually surprised. Right now, I'm way more eloquent and serene.
I used to ask stupid questions and my posts were cloudy and non descriptive.

oh wait..


I was a lurker, most of the times, except for the time I was a co-leader of kick. Posted a fucklot in there. I was a happy camper, still new to forums (only forum I posted in ever before was the WOW forums, and man, I was such a kid). Even though I was introduced to 4chan and the like quite early in my life, I wasn't the asshole I am today. The noobiest thing I did was probably PM WeRd about how I wanted to buy his pure force because it was so cheap. Thought him sending it would bypass Torishops qi-restrictions.
Last edited by dalir; Aug 22, 2009 at 12:39 AM.
|11:33| »» [shark] so you're saying that you just paid 80 euros for pussy
|11:33| »» [Quit] [x] shark [] [Quit:]
<-- Permanent noob.

Continually I look back and go: Wow, I'm a fucking moron.

Although, I usually was just too easy to hype with anything. That's about it.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
I tried to be funny by posting useless posts and shit.
Like the post where I sang about cheese in the news board.

Hanz0 pretty much hated that.

In game I never talked. Rarely do now.
I don't think much has changed.