Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Re: Picture Competition
I use PhotoshopCS2, IllustratorCS2 and ImagereadyCS2. They make much cooler stuff but I've been learning for more than 2 years now and am still very n00b. Paint is the easiest program out there, except of course for Fireworks, but that is very n00b (in my opinion) and gives you a very genaric look
Re: Picture Competition
Originally Posted by SoopaFly
I use PhotoshopCS2, IllustratorCS2 and ImagereadyCS2. They make much cooler stuff but I've been learning for more than 2 years now and am still very n00b. Paint is the easiest program out there, except of course for Fireworks, but that is very n00b (in my opinion) and gives you a very genaric look

can i have a link to the web or something so i can get those plz
I Threathened the wrong person!
Re: Picture Competition
unfortunatly they arnt for free...
but ill give a link in msn or somewere else (we will get cought here hehehe)
Re: Picture Competition
i think we need a flag , like a larger picter.
mabe at a res of 1024 X 1280
Re: Picture Competition
I think a more generic size would be better (rather than just having your screen's resolution), like a flag size of 800x300@300dpi, then we can print it. Or if you want a *flag* I can do A0 (if you wanna spend R100 to print it), anything screen resolution-ish should be just a wallpaper. That can be a separate project if you like (I can do that when I get back from holz, currently on Dell Precision M70 with 1mb iBurst uncapped, although it looks good on paper, I'd take my home made pc with 192 unshaped any day, this is waay too slow!)
Re: Picture Competition
Mind you, it probably won't be TB orientated, I hate working with TB pics...


Look at my devART and tell me which style you want (make sure to look at the whole gallery)
