How about a pistol that you have contract your wrist to shoot?And make the force just enough so that your own hand doesn't blow up, and that has ammo?
"I once got in trouble for going to a bookstore and putting the bible in the fiction section.":3 [/FONT][/COLOR]
no sticks, no joust, i want all the same settings but with skates and gloves and maybe helmets.. please
Give a man a match and he'll be warm for a minute. Set him on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
Giant vs. Normal with stick

Midget with stick vs. Normal

Midget with (360goldpeople.tbm) features and settings vs. normal
[Death Plague] | RL | ORMO | PwN |Dragenon's Realistic spars thread
Airplane mod.

You are in a airplane with UKE and the plane crashes into a long pole at 100 frames before it ends. The Match Frames could be 3k. The Airplane starts to fly downward at 2000 Hight. The TurnFrames could be 10, then 20 2x, then 30, then 50.

The gravity:
Enough to make the Plane glide downward.

That should be enough.


Think you can do it?
Make a bungie jumoing mod. Tori is standing on a platform with several poles linked together to form a rope. I'm not sure if it is possible to make them recoil to give it that bungie effect, but I would sure love to play something like that. Oh, and uke is palced below tori so that he can grab him and be brought up along with tori.

and how would i do that ice?

Originally Posted by Moonscythe View Post
How about a pistol that you have contract your wrist to shoot?And make the force just enough so that your own hand doesn't blow up, and that has ammo?

Originally Posted by Dragenon View Post
-A couch
-Tori and Uke sitting on it
-and object flying out of the tv

Cant you read?

i cant do 2 objects sticking together

this is not applying to above

Originally Posted by DaJokesta View Post
Think you can do it?

i dont even know how to make a bike
Well, this thread is pretty much useless, you can't do anyones suggestions, plus there is already a mod request thread, look for simple mods there.
the god