Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by BuZe View Post
lmao the teemo triple kill.

As my I put it once:

"Teemo is the champion you get fed with, and then just leave in lane and go make tea or w/e. Come back with a few penta kills."
Originally Posted by Locus View Post
Smurfing is fun.

I'm impressed. How do you even get jungle that many times in this patch without someone shitting the bed

doubleproc mallet + bork

I'm gonna go ahead and say sated devourer isn't very balanced.
The point is once yi hits you once, you're as good as dead if you can't 1v1 him. Yi will basically get... 6 procs of botrk in 3 autos or something like that. Which also means his q will get reduced by 6 seconds of cd. So you literally have to turn and fight if he gives you a single tap.

Devourer is just that enchantment that's either hella broken, or hella weak. I really wish it would stay the latter, cause I'm sick of dealing with yi, ww, and udyr. And skarner. And xin. And kayle. And shyv. Because all of these fuckers don't need more love in the jungle, yet they are pretty much exclusively the only champs that benefit from the devourer buff. And it's more than 6 of them, so I can't ban out all of them, even with the enemy's help.

Oh, and aatrox.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Stacked my Devourer at 20 minutes and thought it was GG even though a bunch of shit happened. I was wrong.

Wtf are you talking about?

How to make Devourer Useless

Step 1: Get Mid laner killed 4 times in 12 minutes (and more later on)

Death 1

Death 2

Death 3

Death 4

Step 2: Have a Hecarim Smite TP as your ADC

Step 3: Start out Hecarim ADC with Machete 2 pots and rush JG item

Step 4: Tahm

And a bunch of other bull shit
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
tahm's early game is ridiculous, mainly in my only 1 encounter with him. he ass fucks any all in champion with his fish dick
Should I build Yi On-Hit tank tho? I feel like it would be really strong on him.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays