Aw, really supportive words, thanks guys! Great to know that if i cant get any members in my clan that i can always Come back

I will leave as soon as i get out of my financial problem... I aciddently won an auction and found a flame that i really want in the market. I luckily got the seller to take it off the market so i can pay the 49k whenever i get them back.

I really shouldnt have hosted the server 4days ago...

And theres no need to miss me Hannw, you can always message me or fight me if you want... Im in the Shit Blizzard too :P
wow my financial problem is that i never have tc ._. seriously i always lose it all by gambling and buying orc sets n stuff... well most of my tc goes to RecklessBank but it's kinda poor rn bc we applied to become official, (RL) tourney is over (and even though i was 1st i left the cash in the bank) and the second pair of dealwith it's for sparkido that ended yesterday... so yeah we're at like 9k ;-;

and i myself never have tc and if i have it i send it to the bank in stacks of 1k
Orc isn't even tooooo bad of a colour. It's just the lack of prestige that kinda ruins it I think. I used to rock an Orc relax and I liked it.
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!
Originally Posted by Thronior View Post
Im full orc (besides my ivory relax) the only other color i would take is void .-. Orc is life

pure is love, 512 joints are life
If thou gaze long into the abyss,
the abyss will also gaze into thee.
user name and timer are kinda annoying but not too bad. They are useful in a competitive setting. I much prefer Pure over orc
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!