I'm so good with nunu /smugasfuck.

I can clear both buffs with full hp by 4 minutes, and i have full hp, Its pretty much a 100% first blood. ( That was stupid )

Nunu bot skin ftw.
I can't play lol ;~; i wanna play nocturne!!! need to get internet fixed soon
Don't you see that you hurt me?
since im playing akali and a friend of mine is playing lux we did a fast trap(about 4people could be fine as well)... quite easy first blood:
Teleport myself to the upperest tower on the right lane... using ghost get to that bush between both turrets of the opposite lane.. youre there really fast... playce an eye and let the others teleport to it... its quite standard-ish against people who dont play coordinated... lux stunns, akalis q + autohit... and some other ap spells yeah
666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666
Originally Posted by TheSecret View Post
why the fuck is gangplank so op on dmg output .

and yes nocturne rocks also corki is ok to play

He isn't. He's squishy as fuck and horribly dead if you exhaust him.

And Corki is the shit. If you know how to play him he's one of the best dps carries in the game. He's no ok champ.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by OrAclE View Post
He isn't. He's squishy as fuck and horribly dead if you exhaust him.

And Corki is the shit. If you know how to play him he's one of the best dps carries in the game. He's no ok champ.

Corki will forever be my favorite dps carry. He's the one champion that I ALWAYS do good with, and that is a rarity, I always do bad every once in a while with x champ, but never with corki. <3 my little flying yordle.

(And I still prefer my infinity edge triforce build, manamune is for chumps ;o)

Manamune is great on him, I occasionally get it, but I'm just not that spammy with his skills to really need it.
Originally Posted by Boonana View Post
I'm so good with nunu /smugasfuck.

I can clear both buffs with full hp by 4 minutes, and i have full hp, Its pretty much a 100% first blood. ( That was stupid )

Nunu bot skin ftw.

Not like it's hard to have full hp with nunu.
That's like saying I can clear the jungle with warwick and have full hp
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
Originally Posted by 2worlds View Post
Not like it's hard to have full hp with nunu.
That's like saying I can clear the jungle with warwick and have full hp

pffft I can clear jungle with olaf full hp.

just joined and now dl'ing and installing ^_^

nick is boredlolz (wow so original o_0)
Last edited by Przero; Jun 9, 2011 at 10:51 AM.