Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
There's a difference between doublelift hating league and a statement about adcs in the current meta.

No one likes mobas. If you like it, you aren't playing it right. Mobas are about winning, and if you lose, you're trash. He's just telling it like it is.


No I agree with you on the whole adcs being weak thing, you can't argue with the pros, and in this meta that's definitely true. But I don't know what you're saying about nobody liking mobas and playing it wrong if you like them.... :s
League of Legends NA: Locus
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
ADCs are objectively weaker this season and no ad hominem you can pull out of your ass can change that. Bloodthirster isn't super strong any more, IE leads to less sustain and easier-to-punish carries, bork is no longer ridiculous on ranged champions. ADCs right now are a lot weaker than they've ever been before. Sure, you can carry with any champion at a lower elo. Hell, main ap lee song support if you want. The fact that it works in a bronze game doesn't mean it's good.

ADCs cannot change the game unless they're fed now. All it takes sejuani to change the game is a well placed ult. I don't see the point you're trying to make here, adcs are objectively weaker than almost every other role right now, and exert the least amount of influence over the game.

again, wrong

if they were weaker than every other role, they wouldn't do enough damage, aka, not even acknowledging them in fights (which we all do)
items being BALANCED do not make the role weak, it makes it not stupid.

adcs don't need to be fed, they need to have the gold everyone else does.... like every role.
you, as an adc, do not make the plays. what you CAN do is get a million crits while staying alive. they work more than in bronze games, they work in your elo that i'm playing in-- otherwise we wouldn't play them at all
they do what they're supposed to, sure, they have balanced items. they still dish out the most damage on a team. a "well-placed game changing sejuani ult" will not win anything had you not had the damage behind that sivir or kalista mowing the whole team.

somehow, balanced = weak and we base our opinions only on what people who play on another level say. stay in your lane.
weaker, yes.
everything else you said, no. since when do we need sustain to do damage anyway?
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

Yeah sure, I'll take it.
Time to delete the facebook account I made just for this.
Last edited by EJM; Jul 3, 2015 at 09:13 AM.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Originally Posted by TyZi View Post
again, wrong

if they were weaker than every other role, they wouldn't do enough damagethey're supposed to do damage as safely as possible. right now, adc is a very challenging and unrewarding role to play, unlike say jungle where you can dick around for half the game and press r once and win your team a teamfight, aka, not even acknowledging them in fights (which we all do)is it out of habit now? i tend to go after whoever's the most fed and the squishiest
items being BALANCED do not make the role weak, it makes it not stupid.
it makes it a lot harder to play. it's a lot harder to get fed as an adc. you're making the point yourself here, you have to be there doing damage, which you can't do if you don't have the opportunity to do it.

adcs don't need to be fed, they need to have the gold everyone else does.... like every role.
that's not true. adcs often get the largest or 2nd largest farm in the team because they desperately need more gold than everyone else. it's the reason no one jungles adcs or supports adcs. too much gold required.

you, as an adc, do not make the plays. what you CAN do is get a million crits while staying alive.weakness. this is why adc is a very weak role right now. you rely on other people to be in places where you can fuck them up. they work more than in bronze games, they work in your elo that i'm playing in-- otherwise we wouldn't play them at allpeople make more mistakes at gold than they do in top 50 of challenger, obviously. when i'm speaking about the function of a role, I do not look at bronze 5 elo heaven or plat 5 why am i not in lcs yet. I look at the role within the context of the game, with the players as nonfactors
they do what they're supposed to, surewhich, as forgiven so nicely put, "suck a cock for 45 minutes and then do damage", they have balanced itemsno, they don't. the only item most adcs can take now for a first item is IE because it's the only item that allows you to actually do damage. if you take BT first, unless you're kalista you aren't going to have a very good time. Let's not even get into essence reaver.. they still dish out the most damage on a teamthat's just flatout wrong. ADCs have never dealt the most damage on a team, they are just the biggest dps threat. The highest damage often comes from poke champions because they can do damage at a greater range and don't have to be at risk to do it.. a "well-placed game changing sejuani ult" will not win anything had you not had the damage behind that sivir or kalista mowing the whole teama well placed sejuani ult will render the entire enemy team unable to do anything for a couple of seconds. sure, the 5k hp gragas might not melt, but the 2100 hp jinx? all it would take is 1 rotation from most midlaners and they're gone. having a kalista/sivir there to mow them down is optimal, yes, but that doesn't mean that kalista/sivir ar strong. that is quite literally the only thing they can do..

somehow, balanced = weakno, weak = weak and we base our opinions only on what people who play on another level saybecause they're often right. stay in your lane.
weaker, yes.
everything else you said, no. since when do we need sustain to do damage anyway?since doing damage safely is a requirement of the role, and if a shockblast comes your way you won't be completely out of the fight if it hits?

you both have hints of valid points, but please stop guys.

just stop.
<ego>holy fuck a bat is in my room
- ego quit (Ping timeout)
Oh my god I just read what's been going on... holy mother of hell guys, just because someone says something, or your opinion about it is X, doesn't mean it's true. I'm not gonna argue about the adc nonsense cause it's not worth the time, but I cringed so hard after reading Hyde's "Nobody likes mobas, they're meant for winning etc etc..."

This is one of the most terribly put statements I have ever had the displeasure to read. Yes, mobas are probably the most competitive online games, and yes they might be the most frustrating to play, but holy fuck if you think nobody likes them, and they're playing just to win, you probably need to get whatever is up your a...bumhole. Personally, as well as a whole bunch of people I know, as well as a whole bunch of non-pro streamers, as well as a considerable amount of pros, we don't give a damn about winning or ranked or whatever. This game's primary purpose, just like any other game out there, is for you to have fun playing it, enjoying your time doing so.

I'm sorry, but if you don't like this game and are ONLY playing it to win, then you are missing out on SO much. Lighten up, go find yourself some people who don't give a shit, play some normals, have some damn fun for once instead of filling your life with tension over an online game you're not even enjoying.

And I swear to god if you tell me "X-pro player said Y about Z", Z being something that doesn't have to do with gameplay itself but just an opinion about enjoying a game or not, then I'm just gonna take you for someone who has an extremely hard time figuring out how to have fun in a game.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Got demoted to Gold 2, also lost a match so 55LP left ;-;
Fuck this shit. Team mates are retards.
✦RIP -zzzkie, I'll miss you 2012-2015 #neverforget.✦
👼Proud owner and leader of [Ascend] with my brother, Nevramon👼
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Originally Posted by EJM View Post
Oh my god I just read what's been going on... holy mother of hell guys, just because someone says something, or your opinion about it is X, doesn't mean it's true. I'm not gonna argue about the adc nonsense cause it's not worth the time, but I cringed so hard after reading Hyde's "Nobody likes mobas, they're meant for winning etc etc..."

I take it you've never played a moba before league?

It's a reference to dota/hon. Everyone who plays the game will eventually hate the game to the point where winning is the only thing that gives you any sort of remote satisfaction. Everything else makes you hate the game more.

It's a principle; a mental foundation for most competitive team computer games that if you don't already have, you will develop.
Dota avidly, hon hardly, league avidly, smite a bunch, Hots hardly.

Let's just say, two mobas avidly, a total of over 7-8 years ish of mobas. I have never felt what you are nonsensically feeling. I stand by my point, what you think happens to all people, happens to the ones you know/you've seen. You haven't played with the people I play with, you haven't seen the amount of fucks we don't give, and don't try to mention that we are people who don't play ranked, so we don't know how things are, because we're all plats and up. We have the skill, we just don't give a fuck about it.

The fact that you're over generalizing such a horrible statement is enough of a reason for me to completely give up on trying to help you have fun, so I'll just leave this here and be on my way.
Last edited by EJM; Jul 3, 2015 at 10:12 AM. Reason: wtf spelling
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Simply putting it Hyde, if nobody liked moba's why do they play it? Moba's are competive thus people play it thus they like it. put it this way. you have a girlfriend you hate in every way and have all the courage in the world to leave do you keep her?(she is broke rude and steals from you)

No the answer is no. People play moba's because they enjoy it. aka like it. you dont like moba's hyde then go play something else. there are literally 100's of mmo's that are not moba's go try them then.

ontop of that everybody can get bored of some game at somepoint/.