Hello, My name is Josh, your future bro, and I would like to apply for the most high class clan I could find(with no belt limit) My application goes as followed:

My Toribash in-game name is Poppo361, and I am a blue belt with 245 qi. At the moment, I am 13 years old, but aging towards 14 very soon. No one has referenced me, and I know that doesn't boost my chances of joining, but I have joined in April, so that explains it. I prefer Wushu and Aikido as my mode, but often play some judo to relax some. I have never been in a clan before, so I don't have any experience with members. I want to join Pandora because of it's great remarks and friendly members. Pandora seems pretty suit to my liking, as this would be my first clan I have joined. I should be chosen to join because of my balance and excellent dm'ing(not instagib). I am know in the IRC as Kitten_The_Saint, and I am known to Fish. I should also be chosen because I am very active on the forum, and almost as active in-game.

I am quite cocky, but very skilled, and can back up my cockiness with my amazing balance and momentum of moves. I am quite chatty as well, and ring a good conversation quite quickly. If you hate me, you know you hate me the minute I start talking. I enjoy relaxing, not really hot-headed, and I don't argue too often. I am very neat and defensive of my 'friends' so my clan will be pretty safe from stupid noob flamer trolls. I am very active and use my spare time to get creative. I'm not materialistic, I can do with a low rank, and make it through. I have a tough skin, and can take many hits before I even start to show emotion(ie: anger, sadness). I know having a second layer helps on the forum, and that I need it no matter what.

So feel free to deny my application and move on with your tori-life, I know I will move on
That guy named Poppo
You know, the leader of Fyre.
I've seen you.

You posted something about the basics of aikido, knowing it would be deleted and something something, then in poofed a random beggar who you quickly backseat moderated, then in came a moderator who quickly made your thread more than moderately moderated... m... muhh. Murrr.

But after reading the thread I did google site search your username to see if you were clan worthy. I'm was unsure and I still am. But, since you did come to us...

Anyway, definitely trial worthy.

*continues site-search creeping*
Trial, for me as well.
You could be a good guy, but I'm not positive, I want to see what your personality's like and what you can do.
So yeah, lets have a go at cha >:U
*points dramatically*

WHY, sir poppo, did 5 hours ago on the minute of that hour of today did you apply for Element?
Not just that. He has applied for [Sheep], not waiting for an answer before applying here.

Both clans have been informed.

We shouldn't even need a poll for this applicant, I say we give him the boot.
Actually, we keep the boot, it's a fine boot.
Just kick him out without giving him a boot, that'll teach him!

SO, no matter how much time you spent on the application, you just wasted your time and did it wrong by applying to multiple clans at the same time.
You suck, end of story.
Last edited by crazylars; Jun 22, 2011 at 08:37 AM.
I posted my app on other crappy, backup clans because I know I would get rejected anyways, so I really put my heart in this app. I do not believe sheep will accept me, and element isn't for me. Have mercy.
Last edited by poppo361; Jun 22, 2011 at 02:27 PM.
That guy named Poppo
You know, the leader of Fyre.