
Jtank, you never fail to surprise me.
''The second industrial revolution has yet to be fully experienced by 17% of the world as nearly 1.3 billion people still lack access to electricity.''
Jtank: I wanted to sound cool.

Also, AHD. Bei mir ist's auch heiß, aber die Sonne kann nicht durch Wände, ich sitze genau in einem Raum auf der anderen Seite.
Richtig geil.

Also AHD: JtanK got Google Translator Pro Subscription.
Ja scheisse, mein zimmer liegt an der Ostseite. Jeden morgen werde ich von unwohltuenden Brenstrahlen geweckt. (Weil 50% der Wand Fenster ist) ;p

''The second industrial revolution has yet to be fully experienced by 17% of the world as nearly 1.3 billion people still lack access to electricity.''
Heeeh ;o
Das war in meinem Alten Zimmer so.
War zwar an der West-Seite, aber ein Haus direkt gegenüber den Fenstern war Strahlend weiß und jeden morgen wurde ich geblendet. :|

JtanK tries to translate this shit on Steam.
I'll paste that convo afterwards.
Yes please.
''The second industrial revolution has yet to be fully experienced by 17% of the world as nearly 1.3 billion people still lack access to electricity.''
09:18 - JtanK: Get blinds to prevent blindness! Only $10!
09:18 - JtanK: Sounds like good commercial
09:18 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: need AHD to post more german

Trololo. Sneak peak.
Huge pile of ass conversation - Back off
Also Doublepost. Sorry. :[

08:59 - JtanK: das wärs jetzt
08:59 - JtanK: means
09:00 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: that's all
09:00 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: kinda lie that
09:00 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: like
09:00 - JtanK: "That's all, nice nobuddie-ice
09:00 - JtanK: ice cream
09:00 - JtanK: &
09:00 - JtanK: *\
09:00 - JtanK: * >_>
09:01 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: wat
09:01 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: just use google translator
09:01 - JtanK: the trick is
09:01 - JtanK: about
09:01 - JtanK: translating it by myself
09:01 - JtanK: :V
09:01 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: :|
09:01 - JtanK: hochziehen
09:01 - JtanK: it's like
09:01 - JtanK: working with
09:01 - JtanK: waaait
09:01 - JtanK: wait
09:01 - JtanK: lemme check
09:01 - JtanK: that's like
09:01 - JtanK: Prateritum
09:01 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: pulling up
09:01 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: ;o
09:01 - JtanK: or sth
09:01 - JtanK: yes?
09:01 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: yeah
09:01 - JtanK: that shitty past tense
09:01 - JtanK: we didn't have yet
09:01 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: He shouldn't have pulled up errr
09:01 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: hows those things called
09:02 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: covering your windows
09:02 - JtanK: blinds
09:02 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: blinds
09:02 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: yeah.
09:02 - JtanK: durfen
09:02 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: he shouldn't have pulled up his blinds
09:02 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: its too hot
09:02 - JtanK: yeh
09:02 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: dürfen = allow
09:02 - JtanK: I know the overall meaning
09:02 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: ah yeh
09:02 - JtanK: so like
09:02 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: well that's the main point
09:02 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: understanding complete shit
09:02 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: not every tiny fuckthing
09:02 - JtanK: He shouldn't pull them up
09:02 - JtanK: or he can't pull them up
09:02 - JtanK: because he is not allowed
09:04 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: he shouldnt
09:04 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: ;o
09:04 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: he shouldnt had
09:04 - JtanK: but he did
09:04 - JtanK: ?
09:04 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: yeh
09:04 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: :D
09:04 - JtanK: or wait
09:04 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: you know
09:04 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: he pulled them up
09:04 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: but now regrets
09:04 - JtanK: He shouldn't be allowed to
09:04 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: because
09:04 - JtanK: ?
09:04 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: its fucking hot
09:04 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: NO
09:04 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: Because its hot
09:04 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: and now its hot at home as well
09:04 - JtanK: no wait
09:04 - JtanK: I mean like
09:04 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: and now he regrets
09:04 - JtanK: He didn't want to pull them up
09:04 - JtanK: but he was told to do it
09:04 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: wat?
09:05 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: NO
09:05 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: man
09:05 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: listen
09:05 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: stfu
09:05 - JtanK: ._.
09:05 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: he pulled them up
09:05 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: but wishes that he didnt
09:05 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: BECAUSE
09:05 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: its so hot
09:05 - JtanK: then why durfen is used
09:05 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: it's just a common saying
09:05 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: :o
09:05 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: that's like
09:05 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: hardcore german
09:05 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: you'll understand that on new school
09:05 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: .D
09:05 - JtanK: eh
09:05 - JtanK: Bei mir~~
09:05 - JtanK: It's hot at my location too
09:06 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: yeh
09:06 - JtanK: although the sun
09:06 - JtanK: ...
09:06 - JtanK: durch
09:06 - JtanK: errr
09:06 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: through
09:06 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: penetrate
09:06 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: :D
09:06 - JtanK: thought of it
09:06 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: yeh
09:06 - JtanK: I'm sitting in a room
09:06 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: yeh
09:06 - JtanK: nfi
09:06 - JtanK: anderen Seite
09:07 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: on the opposite side
09:07 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: :D
09:07 - JtanK: genau is some unimportant shitword
09:07 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: genau = exactly
09:07 - JtanK: anderen = opposite?
09:07 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: anderen Seite
09:07 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: yeah kinda
09:07 - JtanK: excactly = shitword, you can just miss it out and meaning won't change
09:07 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: well it's once again some tricky shit
09:07 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: yeah
09:07 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: :D
09:07 - JtanK: like
09:07 - JtanK: likeeee
09:07 - JtanK: errr
09:07 - JtanK: how were they called
09:07 - JtanK: idioms?
09:08 - JtanK: eh
09:08 - JtanK: phrases suck
09:08 - JtanK: I hate learning phrases
09:08 - JtanK: I prefer learning single words and making phrases out of them
09:08 - JtanK: an dieser Seite/an anderen Seite
09:08 - JtanK: derp
09:08 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: idioms?
09:08 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: what the ass
09:08 - JtanK: sitting duck
09:08 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: I suck at english grammar
09:08 - JtanK: is idiom
09:08 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: :D
09:08 - JtanK: because it'd mean
09:09 - JtanK: a fucking duck that sits
09:09 - JtanK: but it doesn't
09:09 - JtanK: it means an easy target
09:09 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: oh
09:09 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: ahhh
09:09 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: okay
09:09 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: :3
09:09 - JtanK: that's idiom
09:09 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: yeah I understand
09:09 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: yeah yeah
09:09 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: go on with translating
09:09 - JtanK: I'm pretty fucking pro at english
09:09 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: I'll paste this convo in forums afterwards anyway
09:09 - JtanK: xd
09:09 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: JtanK = grammar nazi
09:09 - JtanK: Nobuddie = regular nazi
09:09 - JtanK: :D
09:09 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: lol'd
09:09 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: xD
09:09 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: needing AHD's steam ID
09:09 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: so we can has group chat
09:10 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: .3
09:10 - JtanK: Yeah, fuck, my room is on the sunny side?
09:10 - JtanK: unwohltuenden Brenstrahlen geweckt
09:10 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: xDDDDDDDD
09:10 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: ahahaa
09:10 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: he did that on Purpose I guess.
09:10 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: err
09:10 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: unwohltuend = not doing comfortable
09:10 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: errr
09:10 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: like
09:10 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: er
09:10 - JtanK: gewecktr = woken up
09:10 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: yeh
09:11 - JtanK: so like
09:11 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: unconfortamblelele
09:11 - JtanK: he woke up because sun was bitch
09:11 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: or however its written
09:11 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: = unwholtuend
09:11 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: yeh
09:11 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: xD
09:11 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: kinad
09:11 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: kinda*
09:11 - JtanK: and it was shining into his eyes
09:11 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: nah
09:11 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: in general
09:11 - JtanK: yeh
09:11 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: if you sleep
09:11 - JtanK: got it
09:11 - JtanK: but you know
09:11 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: then bitch comes and shines on you
09:11 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: you wake up
09:11 - JtanK: it's mainly because it fucking shines
09:11 - JtanK: yeh
09:11 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: yeh
09:11 - JtanK: I hate it
09:11 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: ;o
09:11 - JtanK: and in ( )
09:11 - JtanK: because 50% of his wall
09:11 - JtanK: is window
09:11 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: yeh
09:11 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: xD
09:11 - JtanK: he should
09:11 - JtanK: 've chosen apple
09:11 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: use blidns
09:12 - JtanK: war
09:12 - JtanK: war is like
09:12 - JtanK: past of 'sind'?
09:12 - JtanK: is
09:12 - JtanK: etc.
09:12 - JtanK: to be
09:12 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: wat
09:12 - JtanK: Ich war schnell = I was fast?
09:12 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: yes.
09:12 - JtanK: k
09:12 - JtanK: so
09:13 - JtanK: It was like that in my previous room.
09:13 - JtanK: War zwar lol
09:13 - JtanK: It was on the west side
09:13 - JtanK: west coast
09:13 - JtanK: maaan
09:13 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: xD
09:13 - JtanK: nigga bro
09:13 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: thought the same
09:13 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: bruv
09:13 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: u kiddin with me bruv?
09:13 - JtanK: however
09:13 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: that's like fuckers were in england
09:13 - JtanK: the house designer
09:13 - JtanK: ?
09:13 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: wat
09:13 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: no
09:13 - JtanK: xd
09:13 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: but a house...
09:13 - JtanK: failed
09:13 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: :D
09:13 - JtanK: gegenuber
09:14 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: = opposite side as well
09:14 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: like
09:14 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: yeah
09:14 - JtanK: synonym
09:14 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: infront kinda
09:14 - JtanK: of anderen site
09:14 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: you know
09:14 - JtanK: ?
09:14 - JtanK: or wait
09:14 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: not really
09:14 - JtanK: I have it
09:14 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: its like
09:14 - JtanK: I've translation
09:14 - JtanK: wait
09:14 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: you and me stand infront of each other
09:14 - JtanK: it's like
09:14 - JtanK: yeah
09:14 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: and you look at me
09:14 - JtanK: when there's a street
09:14 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: and then you're "gegenüber"
09:14 - JtanK: building is on one side
09:14 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: yeah
09:14 - JtanK: then 2nd one is gegenuber
09:14 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: you stand on other
09:14 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: it stands on other side of street
09:15 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: yeah thats it
09:15 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: :3
09:15 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: alright go on.
09:15 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: gegenüber is a good word
09:15 - JtanK:
09:15 - JtanK: also badass song
09:15 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: if you want to have nice stylistic writing in german
09:15 - JtanK: so
09:15 - JtanK: waait
09:15 - JtanK: need to read entire sentence
09:15 - JtanK: because it's too long
09:15 - JtanK: to translate partially
09:15 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: :D
09:16 - JtanK: strahlend
09:16 - JtanK: =
09:16 - JtanK: shining like mortherfuck?
09:16 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: yeh
09:16 - JtanK: hmm
09:16 - JtanK: wait
09:16 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: well not in this case
09:16 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: like
09:16 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: shiny
09:16 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: you know
09:16 - JtanK: I know
09:17 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: its very very white
09:17 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: :3
09:17 - JtanK: but
09:17 - JtanK: War zwar means
09:17 - JtanK: it was?
09:17 - JtanK: zwar = wtf
09:17 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: zwar = though
09:17 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: my room though is on opposite site
09:17 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: shitty sentence
09:17 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: but still
09:17 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: kinda like
09:17 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: err.
09:17 - JtanK: It was on the west side though, but the house was right in front of windows and it was so fucking bright so one morning I got blinded
09:17 - JtanK: ?
09:17 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: so every morning I got blinded
09:18 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: eah
09:18 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: yeah
09:18 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: in general epic work
09:18 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: trolo
09:18 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: :D
09:18 - JtanK: Get blinds to prevent blindness! Only $10!
09:18 - JtanK: Sounds like good commercial
09:18 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: need AHD to post more german
09:18 - JtanK: jeden morgen
09:18 - JtanK: = every morning
09:18 - JtanK: yeh
09:18 - JtanK: xd
09:18 - JtanK: I forgot
09:18 - JtanK: jeden = 1 in polish
09:18 - JtanK: it makes me freak out a lot
09:18 - JtanK: and change meaning
09:18 - JtanK: xd
09:18 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: :DDDDDDDDD
09:18 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: btw
09:18 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: how come you're up alreadyß
09:18 - JtanK: 9:18
09:19 - JtanK: woken up at 8 or so
09:19 - JtanK: or a bit later
09:19 - JtanK: got problems with sleeping during holidays
09:19 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: hmm
09:19 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: I just woke up
09:19 - JtanK: I slept for ~7 hours I guess
09:19 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: cause cat battle was right below my window
09:19 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: and my window was wide open
09:19 - JtanK: derp
09:19 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: fucking bitches
09:19 - JtanK: Iguess
09:19 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: like seriously
09:19 - JtanK: I woken up
09:19 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: bitches were screaming so hard
09:19 - JtanK: because
09:19 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: :O
09:19 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: couldn't do shit about it
09:19 - JtanK: Am morgen werde ich von unwohltuenden Brenstrahlen geweckt.
09:20 - JtanK: despite blinds
09:20 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: wat
09:20 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: no
09:20 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: he has no blinds or shit
09:20 - JtanK: and I have
09:20 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: AHD poorfgt or stuff
09:20 - JtanK: but I still woken up
09:20 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: or he didnt let them down
09:20 - JtanK: because of fucking sun
09:20 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: yeah
09:20 - JtanK: fffffffffff
09:20 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: :D
09:20 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: haha
09:20 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: shitty cat battles > sun
09:20 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: :O
09:20 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: now blood's below my window
09:20 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: fucking fags
09:20 - ^8[nubs]^1teonut: :(

JtanK : JtanK
Me: teonut

9:10 is one of my favourite parts.
Be sure to read all.
Playing MW2 with pals from time to time, they're all 7th Prestige lvl 70 just like me and one of them is called teonat.
Once we decided to all take the same title and emblem and pubstomp.

Oh lord!!!
That was the funniest chat I ever read!!

@Jtank: Just tell me if you want some German sentences.
''The second industrial revolution has yet to be fully experienced by 17% of the world as nearly 1.3 billion people still lack access to electricity.''