Game Maker 8. :U
I'm too lazy to learn Flash or C++ or whatever else would be suitable, plus Game Maker cuts down the time spent with coding quite a bit. I have a decent idea of how to implement most features i've planned, without them being... Well, lame.

Also, i kind of forgot to mention that the game may require a tad of multitasking, for those that desire it. I'm thinking that there might be two ways of controlling: Keyboard + mouse and keyboard only. Controlling the ship's movement is always going to be keyboard, but what differs is how you control your weapons. See, you have two primary weapons: Front guns and a turret. The front guns are what you'd expect, and the turret will either be mouse-controlled or auto-tracking, depending on which controlling mode you've selected. The turret is to provide you with an edge against the enemies, which primarily fire in a fixed pattern. The turret is going to have less power than the front guns though, so you'll be needing both to succeed.

Also, with some luck, i might be able to implement a level system. As in, XP level. One can never have too many levels. When you gain a level, you'll get some points that you can invest in various abilities, such as health and damage.

However, the part of the development i look the least forward to is sound and music. While one can acquire decent sound effects for free on the interwebz, i have NO idea where to get music, and i'm not a composer myself. If you know of a good place to get free music legally, please tell me of it. I know games can TECHNICALLY function without music, but it quickly becomes boring.

@DarkJak: Much appreciated. :>
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
For music I recommend:
Most people would be cool with you using their music if you ask them and give credit for it.
There is tons of music so I'm sure you'll have no problem finding what you need.
Ah yes, Newgrounds audio. Excellent source of free music. Thanks for reminding me.

@Axelbroface: Aye, listening to the music and imagining the finished game fits together pretty nicely. It would be quite nice for the non-boss music, but for the bosses, i'm going to need something a bit more... Ominous. You don't have to go find it, but if you really want to, i won't stop you. :U

I think i'll have to flesh out the game a bit more before i start adding music and such. Everything but the player needs a sprite currently. >.>
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Awesomesauce, I use Gamemaker too :V

You can always ask me if you're stuck or sth
[o]|ORMO|Replay thread!
Last edited by Chartle; Tomorrow at 13:37 AM..
Great, thanks.

Also, my game is more alpha than yours.

Red blocks are enemies, yellow are shots. The diagonal shot is from the turret. The most basic functionality is fine (clicks for bullets, arrow keys for movement, bullets kill enemies etc), though i'll have to add some variety to things if they are to be fun. Also, sprites. I know i'd prefer a game where enemies weren't red blocks. :U
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Originally Posted by xzavior666 View Post
Hmmm this game maker looks pretty awesome. Ive always wanted to make my own fighting game.

Yes, me too.
doit maggots

Also, stars make things look less empty.

They scroll at different speeds and give things more depth. :o
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol