Hey guys!
Guess who is back from being inactive?!
That's right it's me!
Sorry, for being gone for so long, but I am here and plan to stay.
Anyway, hope to see ya'll ingame!
Star Wars Nerd - Fallout Hoe - Science Kid

I feel so loved <3
So guys just to let you know I can only get online on the weekends but I can get on forums anytime so I should be posting a lot more often
Star Wars Nerd - Fallout Hoe - Science Kid

We need more clan wars, so we can get this prize:
Originally Posted by Fish View Post
- The next clan to overtake [Infinity] and reach rank 1 before 2014 will get 12,346 TC with ecto forces for any members involved in most of the wars.

Good job on the clan wars.
Welcome back kershner.
Welcome tunigowan.
Bakugan, ok, but please be active now.
Azure, we're second, we can do it. ^^
PolishPlayer | Fan Club
I wana take apart of a clan war too..
Did we had a name change? I was from the day 2 but i cant remember c:

Wb kresh
wc bakugan
sweet you guys are doing good with the clan wars, i just saw we are rank 2nd what does the clan rank do/mean? PS i do not think i can join in to wars until i am a full member and also my pc is kinda dead.
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions