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[BLEU] Application Center

To receive your invitation to the clan, you must start posting in other threads AFTER you are accepted by a supervisor. Keep in mind: If you post useless content then you will be rejected.

Note: Only people who are brown belt and below may join. Black belts are NOT accepted except in the case of teachers.

If you want to apply for teacher or supervisor, click here.

Here are some helpful links for beginners:

Please note that if you are accepted into the clan, you may post in the board regardless if you have gotten an invitation yet or not.

If you are actually reading this, please say "hai" instead of "yes" when answering the first question in the application. In order for you to actually be helped, you must post in the forum once or twice per day. If you don't, you will be kicked from the clan.

Application format:

Did you read the red messages above this application?:
Age (optional):
Where do you live? (optional):
What belt are you?:
Where do you want to improve?:
Favorite mods:
Why do you want to join?:
Last edited by Rayleigh; Apr 16, 2012 at 11:12 AM.