yes to terty.
hampa Moderated Message:

also, it's effing glOw.
Toricant don't make a list- make an application instead

Also bloob, besides the fact that your application was long enough to look like an applicaton I think it wasn't that good. If you had applied to C3 with that application I would've denied :l

Here's an example of an application which resulted in the maker of it getting accepted to Colon 3 ;-D ;


I'm a 17-year old guy from Finland and I've been playing toribash for nearly a month now. I only use moves I have made myself and/or improvise the matches. My favorite mods are wushu and aikido and in particular aikidobigdojo as in tourneys and GMbetting. I'm currently a black belt and I have no previous bans or such- I assumed this info matters to some extent so I decided to mention it :P

I feel I've developed quite a bit on my own, but I feel it'd be very useful and interesting in being a clan. A good clan for me has to be active, take care of its members and have a sense of humour (in the end we're all here to have fun right? ;)), but also be well organized and have discipline for it to function. I chose to apply to you because of the well-organized forum and criteria for who should be accepted to your clan.

Why should you pick me? I'm an active player whose skills are rapidly developing. I want to commit to the clan and be a functional part of it. My timezone is +2GMT and I'm most active between 4pm and 11pm on workdays (3-4 hours from this period of time are daily consumed by hobbies and school projects, otherwise I'm online). On weekends I'm usually online a few more hours than that. I truly want to be in this clan and help each other develop as players and a clan. Thank you

This is just an example, don't use it as a whole in making your application though o_O

Just.. Make an effort.. It's not that hard '-'

We don't want you to write us your lifestory

Nor we want you to only show off with your win percentage/recognized skills ingame

We want a thorough impression of you with the application balanced between ingame, this clan and yourself as a person ^_^
Last edited by Jire; May 10, 2011 at 09:56 PM.
He's got cant in his name.
hampa Moderated Message:

also, it's effing glOw.
Originally Posted by toricant View Post
Name: Toricant (You can call me Ben)
Age: 15
Belt: Blue (Qi 333)
Forum-Timings: 4-5 hours. Sorry because i have regular classes at school these days but i will be on forums for whole day when my summer vacations start.(4th june)
GMT: +5
Why I want to join: The only reason i wanted to join a clan is to become famous and have more friends. C3 looks popular and also, i have to join a clan to continue my toribash career too. I have been rejected from 5 clans before but please i don't want C3 to ignore me just because i was rejected.
A little about me: I am a caring and kind person. I will bring happiness and friendship to my clanmates And also, just a little thing i want C3 to know about me: "I never lie to anyone".
Why will you accept me: To be honest, i think you will accept me because of my application or my urge to join C3. I wanted to become famous from the very first day i joined forums but i couldn't do so because i was alone and i needed friends.
My Toribash skills: Highly experienced in aikido. My best is 17 streak and won 4 tourneys in a row. I will rate myself 9/10.
Ingame replays: Check the attachments please.
Psycho T-T-Tori: madman-to-boomhit
You-Trying-To-Be-Gay: Good multiplayer replay of aikido.

Removed all of the uneccesarry spaces and the usercard. Its not as long as it seems.

also no
Originally Posted by Clow View Post
Lolwut you were serious?

If so we'd appreciate an actual app bud

See above ^^^