Sorry to say but i have to cancel since the stuff happening in wapow is makeing me hesitate.
Last edited by Plus; Dec 12, 2016 at 03:33 AM.
"Ive been in Wapow and leaved for reasons."

If I recall correctly, I kicked you for being an asshole against other clans during wars.

I'll let it slide though, was a long time ago!
Owner of Fred
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Ill correct you! Arguing with a clan member for a stupid reason. Pointless etc. I can agree it was immature as fuck.
IF WE WANTED TO BE CORRECTED, WE WOULD ASK!!!!! OK... THANKS BTW I dont think we have met, hi i am 3nKB

Swepples Moderated Message:
I will delete every post you make here from now on. Sorry, WAPOW only.
Last edited by Swepples; Dec 12, 2016 at 01:10 AM.
I am going to beat N3WB one day dambit
Hello Wapow clan (BangBangPowPow); My name is Nathan
and known in game formerly as Nesoi/ICEEMAN1, and I am an 13 year young but at the same time 47 year old male. I used to lie about my age as I was made fun of but atm idgaf
Some general things about me is I love art especially digital art, I also love to play video games.
I am looking for a clan as I have just left a clan for reasons I will discuss later on. I specialize in aikidobigdojo,
Taekkyon, and also make replays such as UkeBashing, Sparring, Tricking, and sometimes pk.
I have been playing toribash for about 6 years; It started when I was bored
as fuck scrolling through some game forum that features free games because I was 7 years old with no money x)
I saw toribash and asked my Grandfather if I could download it, he said fuck no...
Imma savage though so I downloaded it and told him it was just a game online (browser game)
So I went over there weekly and actually became decent around 9 yrs old I lost my account and made some other ones.
So I have been playing for a while (not trying to say i'm the best lel)
Well as I said in my bio I have been playing this game since I was about seven or eight.
I joined one of my first clans not to long ago when I joined beg on an older acc.
Since then I have been in [TGS] (jolt) (Tv) [Crooks] and thats about it as far as joined clans.
I have also had fair experience in leading clans not the most successful but they were there.
My most successful clan I founded was probably (Al) which had a short running
mostly because of shit recruiters and inactivity amongst the players although we did hit rank 34.
Thats about it with clans as far as activity I am about a 9/10 in game and
10/10 on forums as I post everyday while also making things to help the community.
Some examples of this are my tutorials one being my CnC Tut which gave me contreversy sadly
because of a meaningless remark in the Original post. I also host events,
bet servers, and make even more youtube tuts on toribash.
Why Do You Want To Join?
I am looking for a clan that is active not only in-game but on forums also;
Because one of the main reasons I embrace Toribash is because of the forum aspect.
I am also looking for a home full of active members in the community because in past experiences
I have had clans go inactive and this is obviously not becoming a problem
in [WAPOW] (Yes I have said this before but I know many people here and am looking to settle) and is looking like this will never be the case.
What Can I Bring To This Clan?
Well I can bring to this clan as much as [WAPOW] allows me to
I can bring my talents,
such as art skills, activity, respect, and always looking for some fun.
I make videos on youtube that are interesting to say the least but I love making them.
I also make things like banners and clan logos.
Who I Know In WAPOW?
Well I know a good bit of the members here, I consider me and Seth friends on my old account (ICEEMAN1).
I also know Skeez88 and Hecate. Although I don't know too many
members I wish to meet more. I met most of the people in WAPOW either
chatting through pm's or talking in-game and chilling.
Skype: nateakaspixxe
Discord: Nesoi #0068
You can also contact me through pm's as I am on forums everyday 24/7
Most of the tricking replays are banter but I am still getting better
Attached Files
SwagKick.rpl (49.1 KB, 2 views)
SickSaves.rpl (71.2 KB, 2 views)
SAVEBOI.rpl (69.1 KB, 3 views)
SparWsemnom3.rpl (710.1 KB, 2 views)
FLASHFUL.rpl (118.4 KB, 3 views)
Last edited by Samurai; Dec 14, 2016 at 02:37 AM.
Originally Posted by Chaos View Post
Hello Wapow clan (BangBangPowPow); My name is Nathan
and known in game formerly as Nesoi/ICEEMAN1, and I am an 13 year young but at the same time 47 year old male. I used to lie about my age as I was made fun of but atm idgaf
Some general things about me is I love art especially digital art, I also love to play video games.
I am looking for a clan as I have just left a clan for reasons I will discuss later on. I specialize in aikidobigdojo,
Taekkyon, and also make replays such as UkeBashing, Sparring, Tricking, and sometimes pk.
I have been playing toribash for about 6 years; It started when I was bored
as fuck scrolling through some game forum that features free games because I was 7 years old with no money x)
I saw toribash and asked my Grandfather if I could download it, he said fuck no...
Imma savage though so I downloaded it and told him it was just a game online (browser game)
So I went over there weekly and actually became decent around 9 yrs old I lost my account and made some other ones.
So I have been playing for a while (not trying to say i'm the best lel)
Well as I said in my bio I have been playing this game since I was about seven or eight.
I joined one of my first clans not to long ago when I joined beg on an older acc.
Since then I have been in [TGS] (jolt) (Tv) [Crooks] and thats about it as far as joined clans.
I have also had fair experience in leading clans not the most successful but they were there.
My most successful clan I founded was probably (Al) which had a short running
mostly because of shit recruiters and inactivity amongst the players although we did hit rank 34.
Thats about it with clans as far as activity I am about a 9/10 in game and
10/10 on forums as I post everyday while also making things to help the community.
Some examples of this are my tutorials one being my CnC Tut which gave me contreversy sadly
because of a meaningless remark in the Original post. I also host events,
bet servers, and make even more youtube tuts on toribash.
Why Do You Want To Join?
I am looking for a clan that is active not only in-game but on forums also;
Because one of the main reasons I embrace Toribash is because of the forum aspect.
I am also looking for a home full of active members in the community because in past experiences
I have had clans go inactive and this is obviously not becoming a problem
in [WAPOW] (Yes I have said this before but I know many people here and am looking to settle) and is looking like this will never be the case.
What Can I Bring To This Clan?
Well I can bring to this clan as much as [WAPOW] allows me to
I can bring my talents,
such as art skills, activity, respect, and always looking for some fun.
I make videos on youtube that are interesting to say the least but I love making them.
I also make things like banners and clan logos.
Who I Know In WAPOW?
Well I know a good bit of the members here, I consider me and Seth friends on my old account (ICEEMAN1).
I also know Skeez88 and Hecate. Although I don't know too many
members I wish to meet more. I met most of the people in WAPOW either
chatting through pm's or talking in-game and chilling.
Skype: nateakaspixxe
Discord: Nesoi #0068
You can also contact me through pm's as I am on forums everyday 24/7
Most of the tricking replays are banter but I am still getting better

good app i vote yes. looks like we need a few new members due to the loss *gf spits noodle on keyboard*
this actually happened
"People never grow up, they just learn how to act in public."—Bryan White