i seriously think AD TF is really underestimated

yes, short auto attack range, yes his steriod isn't that great, yes his wild cards arent that useful, yes he doesn't have an mf/caitlyn/ezreal laning phase

but damn he hurts - i'd argue his damage output on auto attacks is the highest among ranged carries, along with a nice spammable stun

just look at jiji's tf, and i've seen some high elo players manage to do really well with an AD build on TF several times in my games - damage wise, i'd have to say a good ad tf will outdamage an ap - thats not to say ap tf doesn't have his uses (heck, i wrote a guide for ap tf that's the second highest rated on leaguecraft atm)
tl;dr: deprived is spergin'
And Garen is a huge bugtthurt for Tryndamere... If he's on def runes and ad/ap items... plus to that a thornmail... ugh, major butthurt
"Philosophy of mankind are pink dreams of a blue planet" ~Lexx
• มวยไทย •
Originally Posted by Muffindo View Post
Hey guys, I started playing this recently and I've accumulated 3400 IP. I'm thinking of buying Lux with it, any objections?

No. Lux is god-tier.
Originally Posted by Muffindo View Post
Hey guys, I started playing this recently and I've accumulated 3400 IP. I'm thinking of buying Lux with it, any objections?

Bought her a week ago,she is better and more fun than any other champion I own.

Smack Bitches.

Lux is pretty amazing, at level 8~ I can easily burst down a non-tank/soak with one combo, most of the times I have to set them up right though, auto attacking after every spell so I get the most damage out of it.
Originally Posted by Lexx View Post
And Garen is a huge bugtthurt for Tryndamere... If he's on def runes and ad/ap items... plus to that a thornmail... ugh, major butthurt

Originally Posted by Muffindo View Post
Hey guys, I started playing this recently and I've accumulated 3400 IP. I'm thinking of buying Lux with it, any objections?

Go for it. Never played Lux but I always like it when they're on my team.
Last edited by Nightin; May 28, 2011 at 11:46 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
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