Gratz Locus , i'm still bronze 2 , i'll get there eventually

On another note, any easy champ idea to get out of bronze? , right now i mostly use swain , ap nunu, orianna (I'm good with her, been using her for a year now), but i feel like there would be more easy options of champions for bronze.
Tryndamere. You'll right click so hard, you'll break your mouse.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
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Originally Posted by SparChar View Post
Tryndamere. You'll right click so hard, you'll break your mouse.

I dont like him

Originally Posted by Raindz View Post
I freaking hate trynd tho D:

We are in the same boat. It depends on what lane you want to be easy. Volibear is an easy pick for jg imo.
Originally Posted by RAWWRH View Post
I dont like him

We are in the same boat. It depends on what lane you want to be easy. Volibear is an easy pick for jg imo.

I never played him :o

I like nocturne tho
Originally Posted by Raindz View Post
I never played him :o

I like nocturne tho

You pretty much just auto attack things until they are low on life and then w. If they try to run use q and e. And before you start engaging you can use q and r.

And always watch your passive.
Originally Posted by RAWWRH View Post
You pretty much just auto attack things until they are low on life and then w. If they try to run use q and e. And before you start engaging you can use q and r.

And always watch your passive.

Niicee, i'll try him out
I always thought WW was freelo. He's also another right click monster. Just walk up to them, auto a little, ult, then press Q.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
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