Not gonna argue about this with you, i reproduced it myself without overlaying just to get the pose because i liked it, also i did rather for myself because everything i do is about fun and money sometimes and the prizes on that "event" were not even worth a solid sketch.

Other than that i don't want to waste my time on you and spam too much here because that was not the point of the previous post, just wanted to let people know im there.
Though i won't take requests for a while now because i got other stuff to do. \o/
I'll make my own set finally because im selfish
What is DEAD can not die.

Also nice to see you on the forums again
A lot of things were going on past month.
Last edited by Nikos; Aug 19, 2016 at 06:40 PM.
It's so akward... am i the only one with that feeling when you have alot of things to do but you end up beeing bored because you dont know what to start/dont want to do any
I feel the same way when i got too much filthy anime's to watch and end up watching kittens on the internet.
Welp, my Gf is allergic to dogs but she loves cats so i have two
one lazy fat big asshole genius british cat and a normal black one