Silly me, I thought it was the sequence of the "Prince of Persia"... Then I get this!!! Anyways sexy pic!!
Paint me like your french girls
Originally Posted by sentral View Post
Hey rappunk.
I wasn't expecting you to be posting here for awhile.

Things have been going well.
We're just in the middle of trying to boost activity.

Yeah, well, I figured I'd pop over.
I still have things in my life to sort out, as you know, but I'll come around occasionally.
Glad to see this place is still alive. Thanks for that by the way.

Ah, so I see. Well, I hope I can contribute to that a little, heh. ^^'

Originally Posted by ConCon19 View Post
Good seeing you around rappunk, it's nice that you popped in for a bit. Our activity is doing rather well, I'd say all we need to do now is recruite new members.

Good to see you too man. It's been forever since we've actually spoken.
I'm really glad you came over to Essence man, it's fantastic to have you here.
Sentral has spoken quite well of you too, not that I didn't already think that. ^^

Well, perhaps I can boot some names over to Sentral and help you with that, or maybe ask around myself a little.
We'll get this clan up and running again for sure.

Originally Posted by Sainzgc View Post
Well, i hope that you back soon and gl with your life things. :>

Cheers fam, I'll do my best to be back as soon as possible.
See you around Sainz.

Originally Posted by Kamura View Post
Hey, Rapp; it's been a while since we've talked.

It most certainly has.
How have you been all this time?

Originally Posted by count3rl33 View Post
hey there rapp, it's been a while. do you even remember me? ;)
anyway, how are you mate?

Hah, absolutely. Of course I remember you Count.
I remember a lot of things to be honest, especially that stuff we had going with Festus too if you recall.
Shame that didn't work out, but maybe we can get it going again someday soon.

Ah, I'm alright. Things in my life are pretty difficult right now, but I'm doing my best to sort them out.
I'll be back as soon as I can be though.
What about with you, how are things going on your end?
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
Originally Posted by Sainzgc View Post
hah, nice one concon, what progam do you used? Photoshop?

Yeah indeed, Cs6. I'm working on my first texture set, nearly done. Its a bit noob but I'm still new to the mapping etc.