Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Am I the only one that doesn't follow builds? Firstly I'm not lvl 30, but I just buy and choose masteries and runes that apply when needed.
TP|Guardians| Hai. Watz upz.
Originally Posted by SoBscout View Post
Am I the only one that doesn't follow builds? Firstly I'm not lvl 30, but I just buy and choose masteries and runes that apply when needed.

I use the same core build on my champs.
Like on TF I always build Rabadons + Sorc boots + Lich bane
or xin I always build wriggles + Youmuu's + Merc (Very few games where I don't)

Then my defensive items change.
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
TF AD <3
I don't like to play with casters/ap champs, yet I played ap TF few times and I still find more valuable to deal 2k dmg in 2 sec with autoattack than to deal it with my skills and won't be able to cast them for those X seconds, which in team fights may be critical factor.
Also, as a dps TF you're not that much kill/assist dependet, you can just farm your way to full build only on minons, which cannot be done with AP champ ( yea yea, I know that Three Cards do shitloads of dmg and destroy whole waves of minons in instant BUT in late, when you're well feeded ).

Example of stats as a AD TF

7/9/11 ( ._. )

and so on
Originally Posted by rafufu View Post
He was saying things like "Which of you niggers stole my penta?"

Yer, that's pardonable, but I've only seen massive racism, calling everybody jews etc.etc.

Another day, another 3 punishes, 2 feeders/1 turborager.

Originally Posted by 2worlds View Post
OP champ in arranged, and possibly in solo queue if you can be all like PINGPINGPING iM COMING TO GANK PINGPINGPING

In normal games I'm usually all like 'oh god, be silent, don't accidentaly ping because the enemy has low hea- *TF teleports in* HELLO GUYS I HEARD YOU NEED A KILLSTEAL.

Haven't played TF though, but I plan to test him out very soon.
Last edited by JtanK; May 24, 2011 at 10:13 PM.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Originally Posted by JtanK View Post

In normal games I'm usually all like 'oh god, be silent, don't accidentaly ping because the enemy has low hea- *TF teleports in* HELLO GUYS I HEARD YOU NEED A KILLSTEAL.

That's exactly what I do : D
Double steals also happen often.
Aelsanor: yo tengo(un pene grande or so he claims.)
Carl0sBadguy: C:
Stop Playlng: tu tienes que?
Carl0sBadguy: es lo unico que ha de saber de espa;ol
Carl0sBadguy: jaja
Stop Playlng: jajajajaja
Carl0sBadguy: XD
Stop Playlng: la verdad es yo he hablar espanol hace dos anos
Stop Playlng: jajajajajajaja
Carl0sBadguy: O:
Carl0sBadguy: XD

trolling a guy with my shitty spanish before this.

Originally Posted by Megadoomer View Post
AD twisted fate is just a walking backdoor machine, he's pretty worthless other than that.


Originally Posted by JtanK View Post

In normal games I'm usually all like 'oh god, be silent, don't accidentaly ping because the enemy has low hea- *TF teleports in* HELLO GUYS I HEARD YOU NEED A KILLSTEAL.

Haven't played TF though, but I plan to test him out very soon.

Oh noes, TF's with map awareness.