You are epic, Ponzo. XD

Anywho, XDpwner, we're a clan that likes serious people who can be laid back at times. Noting the first post: We want INTELLIGENT players.

Also, I don't see why we should accept you over other applicants at all, XDpwner. To note as well, if you "don't know a soul" in any other clans, find the players and talk to them ingame first. Get to know them before you post an app.
Proud Member of
[C3][Anime United]
Well, I can deduct from the replies that you're a close knit clan. That's awesome, since that means everyone knows each other. Which means, you're active, you have a nice leader (else the clan would have fallen into disarray), and you are kewl guise.
Anyhow, I should probably drop in on the IRC sometime. Getting to know some guys. And girls.

Anyone into Electro or Heavy Metal/Classic Rock? Cuz I have some stuff to show ye ;3
He is booring. He is seriooous.
That's sick.
I don't even know why I'm posting now.
That's fun to see how you say no to almost everybody.
Ok, ok, sorry, I'm drunk. Love Poland.
Omg a bird made a poo on my window. AAAA
We also don't say no to everybody.

We just accepted someone yesterday.

Don't write a terrible app and you'll have a great chance of getting in.
Last edited by Clow; May 9, 2011 at 06:57 PM.
Yes to Ponzo,

He keeps following me (From adventure lol)

Originally Posted by XDpwner
Umh... more about myself.

My real name is Fernando, I live in Portugal, I'm 16, I play the electric guitar, been playing Toribash for three years. I have some decent replays and a good ratio multiplayer-wise. The clan seems active and well structured, that's one of the reasons of why I want to join C3, since the last two clans I was in weren't that good.

Why C3 over any other clan? Well, I dunno. Seems to stand out from the others. Sure, I wanna join it because I've met Glow once, for 20 mins, but that beats the other clans where I don't know a soul.


you better rite a bettr ap ((((((
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

I said "almost".
Almost. Almost. Almost.
MW2 is for noobs, play super mario or something.
50th post ^^

Omg 51st what a crazy day.
Last edited by Trewnek; May 9, 2011 at 09:32 PM.