
Tear of the Goddess / Catalyst (Whichever you prefer, both work as a laning item)
Sorc boots

if you got catalyst:
Banshees from the catalyst
GA (If you have a lot of mejais stacks)
Defensive item(s) based on enemy team

If you get Tear:
defensive item based on enemy team
GA if you have mejais stacks
AA staff from the tear

save your money
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
Jarvan IV ( offtank, can be also played as a dps )


Armor penetration Marks
Flat armor Seals
Magic resistance per lvl Glyphs
Flat hp Quints

Ability sequence
Demacian standard(max asap)>Golden Aegis(1 point at lvl 3)>Dragon strike(1 point at lvl2)

Heart of Gold ( core )
Mercury's threads/Ninja Tabi
Sunfirecape/Banshee's Veil
Randuin's Omen
Tri Force ( You're not pure tank, you need some dmg )
Thronmail/Force of Nature
As a 6th item, pick whatever you like/need the most at this lvl ( games rarely last that long )

Summoner Spells:
I prefer ghost since combo Standard + Dragon strike allows you to rush through the walls/get out of your ulti if needed.

E+Q throws your enemies in air, don't forget about it.


"Was cursing, in broken english at his team, and at our team. made fun of dead family members and mentioned he had sex with a dog. "
Offensive Language

Tribunal is the greatest thing
Guys, how do you think, will a hybrid/critical build be good for jax?
Just saw one jax on hybrid/critical. Man, damage was over 1.2k with his strikes.
He did a pentakill aswell... o_o

Tryndamere ; 3 vs 3 ; 2048 crit damage per strike.
We all love big damage, don't we?
Last edited by Lexx; May 23, 2011 at 10:22 PM.
"Philosophy of mankind are pink dreams of a blue planet" ~Lexx
• มวยไทย •
Having farmed enough ad/crit items pretty much any ad champion could score a pentakill lol. As far as I know, Jax is currently used as ad/ap [with more ap] offtank. Core is gunblade and rageblade or stuff, afair also triforce. Then it depends, people like building atma for him, and items like banshee veil, rabadon etc.etc.etc. ad/crit sure will work on jax, but it will be better for another champion like yi imo :V Also: howtoplayjax.

However, don't be too sure when listening to me, I'm probably EU's worst jax ever and I'm basing my info on what I've heard from better jaxes etc.

Also relating to your screenshot, killing vayne is fun as hell when you are trynda, especially if you have some items already. One-two hitting lol.


By the way guys, how is your pardon/punish ratio? I've been voting since the introduction of tribunal and haven't yet pardoned anyone >_> And I was only considering a pardon twice, but then I checked more games aaand you know.
Last edited by JtanK; May 23, 2011 at 11:16 PM. Reason: fail reading

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Originally Posted by JtanK View Post
By the way guys, how is your pardon/punish ratio? I've been voting since the introduction of tribunal and haven't yet pardoned anyone >_> And I was only considering a pardon twice, but then I checked more games aaand you know.

Only pardoned one person so far. He was reported about 8 times for racism but it wasn't really used as an insult. He was saying things like "Which of you niggers stole my penta?"

And in my books that is a perfectly ok thing to say in that situation
Goddamn I love twisted fate

OP champ in arranged, and possibly in solo queue if you can be all like PINGPINGPING iM COMING TO GANK PINGPINGPING

So underestimated, and so built wrongly. I seriously cringe anytime I see a TF going AD.
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ