Originally Posted by XDpwner View Post
For the love of god.

Done. Cannot change the username, I believe. And I will not change it to anything else. Unless it's a cake. Or a cookie. Or chuck norris' beard. Anyway, you get the picture.

Originally Posted by XDpwner View Post
Hm... well, what to say... My post count is so low because I usually only posted in one place (my clan's DSC) but then the thread got deleted and I lost them all. Oh, the humanity.

Ask me questions, I think it'd be easier.

I can post up some replays if you'd like.

No, you tell us about yourself.

Originally Posted by XDpwner View Post
Belt: Black Belt.
Preferred Mods: Aikido, Wushu.
Referrals (if any): None.
Previous Clans: M.I.L.K., Forbidden.
Infraction Points/Bans (if any): None.
Talents(Tb related): Freerunning and a bit of skating.
What you will bring to the clan: Well, pretty much just another member.
Other stuff we have to know: I don't play TB that much. Although, if I enter a clan, I will play more often, since I do have spare time.

I was going to join 42 clan, but then I remembered that I did meet Glowback in the day when I was being asked questions to become a ToriAgent. Unfortunately, I did not get selected because they needed people that spoke russian. Imagine that --'

We don't need a giant number of members. You're basically useless to us. :3

That's not an excuse AT ALL...

You don't know the majority of the members in C3, I presume... If you're that quick to apply for a clan by meeting one person, I don't like you. ^.^

Originally Posted by smashin455 View Post
My name is located right next to this text, although it would probably be faster if I typed my name out. Oh well. . Anyways I am looking for a pretty epic clan with awesome members who I am familiar with. IRC and forum activity is the most important to me. I am starting to play ingame a lot more now and would be up for testing. I am a 2nd dan black belt with pretty decent skills (akidobigdojo is my best mod). I am frickin hilarious (and modest) to talk to. Yea. So I should be accepted into this clan because it would bring in a new, fresh member with a different personality. I don't have any specific skills like art or anything like that, but I am really dedicated and am available to do tasks for the clan. If you want to talk to me more PM me or look for me on IRC, I'll check out the C3 channel and add it to my autojoin list. etc. etc.

So yah

You copied your application from Jimbobwe's app.
We do encourage applicants to look at successful applications, but we don't like it when someone f*cks up making a carbon copy of one...

Just for reference, Jimbobwe's application:
Originally Posted by Jimbobwe
My name is located right next to this text, although it would probably be faster if I typed my name out. Oh well. Se la vi. Anyways I am looking for a pretty sexy clan with awesome members who I am familiar with. IRC and forum activity is the most important to me. I am starting to play ingame a lot more now and would totally be up for testing. I am a 2nd dan black belt with pretty decent skills (akido is my best mod). I am frickin hilarious (and modest) to talk to. Of course that was a joke and you're laughing your ass off now. Ye. So I should be accepted into this clan because it would bring in a new, fresh member with a different personality. I don't have any specific skills like art or anything like that, but I am really dedicated and am available to do tasks for the clan. If you want to talk to me more PM me or look for me on IRC, I'll check out the C3 channel and add it to my autojoin list. etc. etc.


Oh and my dream is to buy a black and green llama and name it Kevin. He'd live in the attic, and I would buy him everything. I think my meds have worn off, I don't know if you can tell. Oh well. I digress...

Last edited by LastGod; May 9, 2011 at 01:37 AM.
Proud Member of
[C3][Anime United]
No to all applicants...

Definite get the fuck out to lumpysolo, he has a bad reputation and every post I have seen by him is quite stupid.
Umh... more about myself.

My real name is Fernando, I live in Portugal, I'm 16, I play the electric guitar, been playing Toribash for three years. I have some decent replays and a good ratio multiplayer-wise. The clan seems active and well structured, that's one of the reasons of why I want to join C3, since the last two clans I was in weren't that good.

Why C3 over any other clan? Well, I dunno. Seems to stand out from the others. Sure, I wanna join it because I've met Glow once, for 20 mins, but that beats the other clans where I don't know a soul.

Better? :3
Last edited by XDpwner; May 9, 2011 at 04:34 AM. Reason: Square root of 4761.
I said no to you because you act too serious, if you joined this clan you would just be no fun and it would be pointless to have you in here.

You have to tell us with an actual reason why you would benefit to our clan.

Right now you are just telling us stuff we honestly don't care about.
Oh. OOOh.

Uhm, so, I should lay back a bit? I was being serious because I wanted to cause a good first impression.

Well, I'm quite fun to be around, lol. I love meeting new people. Specially if we share a common interest (say, Toribash). By joining the C3, I get valuable connections in this troll-forsaken community, not to mention some friends I might pick up along the way

I don't know what else to say. It's 03:40AM here, school starts at 08: 30 and I get up at 07:00, so I'm dieing to grab some sleep. I'll reply tomorrow, because I'm dead for the day.
Last edited by XDpwner; May 9, 2011 at 04:42 AM.
Well I don't know where to start, Um wel I ish aplying fo dis clun becuz I feel it is in ned uf sum development, and um is a talented clun and hes talunted mumbers, and it aso neds my muney to further is development, so you guys should totally accept me.

So like this is totally me trolling and I will totally post my actually app after a few luls <3 Ponzy.
ponzo i love you.
hampa Moderated Message:

also, it's effing glOw.