Opinions > Retarded super biased accusations
Just saying. Also the new ashe looks like a lot of fun, would've been better if they gave her a bit or mobility on her e instead of hawkshot
Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
Opinions > Retarded super biased accusations
Just saying. Also the new ashe looks like a lot of fun, would've been better if they gave her a bit or mobility on her e instead of hawkshot

i tried her in pbe, new q with runaan hurricane is so. so. SO good (if your pushing up lane)

also ill try to act less stupid
That baby aint mine
Shaco is a super troll lmao

The feel when you outdamage everyone going full tank, gotta love how broken sej is
Last edited by Stellar; Apr 30, 2015 at 08:03 PM.
I always shake when I see an enemy jungle shaco. You can hardly detect his ganks and suddenly you're boxed in top by a shaco and a fucking garen...
Not fun stuff.

He also has his turrets which can be annoying as shit too.

Also I miss the old map textures, not including drake and baron just the lanes don't really match the jungle textures. Anyone know how to get the old textures?
Last edited by RedPanda; Apr 30, 2015 at 09:14 PM.
In love with Azir, just spamming him in ranked.
Taught myself a kill combo for 6, since I normally poke them to a quarter health and I run ignite i keep a lot of distance once they're low so they feel safe enough to stay in lane, W, Q, E then Flash to close that extreme gap with and ult and ignite away from their tower, run through my ult and follow with a W auto and they're dead

So good.
Originally Posted by RedPanda View Post
I always shake when I see an enemy jungle shaco. You can hardly detect his ganks and suddenly you're boxed in top by a shaco and a fucking garen...
Not fun stuff.

He also has his turrets which can be annoying as shit too.

Also I miss the old map textures, not including drake and baron just the lanes don't really match the jungle textures. Anyone know how to get the old textures?

before he ganks, you can usually see orange smoke before he stabs you with his wittle knife.
RedPanda won't fuck his dog
That's only if you are relatively close to the place they used their Q. If the Shaco is smart, he'll do it over a wall.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
Started to do those ganks Ryan, funny as fuck every time when they just try flashing over me haha I just walk away xD
Originally Posted by SparChar View Post
Is it tear? I think it's a core on him.

No sorry I meant perfectly identical.
Originally Posted by Holotor View Post
So I just played this game and got demoted back to Bronze 2..

Lee Sin decides to afk the match because he thought he was in normals not ranked.
Nautilus refuses to help in teamfights and just trolls the entire game.
So it's down to me (Nasus) and Graves to fight the entire enemy team (our Malzahar was completely useless). It took them 60 minutes, 5 dragon buffs and 3 barons later to win the game. I was pure tank with only 700+ stacks with nobody to peel for me so it was extremely frustrating trying to fight and yell at Nautilus for being a stupid fucking cunt at the same time.
At around 45min I had the idea to buy Ohmwrecker and backdoor the enemy base's 2 nexus turrets and end the game with Graves being DPS to the turrets along with the cane. We got the Nexus down to just 1 Nasus Q to destroy it but I made the dumbest mistake of dodging an Ashe ult with flash and then being pushed into a wall by Poppy and then grabbed by Blitzcrank into the enemy fountain. Fuck this shit.

That must have been some game and some serious circumstances Holo, also so I don't get infracted let's get some opinions on Pantheon and Assassins +Strategies?
Last edited by Merc; May 2, 2015 at 05:10 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
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