Anho: These are totally good replays but are they Ormo material?
I think you have a good flow and creativity as well but they still look a bit average.
Work on the openers and on the transition, next time you'll be luckier.

SainTD: The first two replays are surely impressive, good flow, powerfull hits and not as many flaws as i expected there were.
The other puzzles me, it's not at the same level of the other two (except for the double core),
the walking is pretty average and the decap could have been done a lot better.
Thhose 2 good replays out of 3 would took me to say yes but i'm not completely sure.
I'll leave this to another recruiter.

Weed33: I expected much more from you. No.

Shuckle: Not bad for someone that joined just a few months ago.
The first replay is quite sweet but i didn't liked so much the transition between the booms and
try to avoid using the same leg fro two consecutive kicks.
The opener of the ''5 W's'' has much potential, if edited you can get from it a boomhit or however an improvement of the replay,
The last part is quite stiff and grabby as well, it could be surely improved.
Anyway my favourite out of these three is the last one, you gained a good flow during the first hit and the others,
my advice is to try to get at least 1 dm more on the last kick, i think it would not be so hard.
I'd say no but you're not too far.

tsukiomi: The spar is pretty random except for a couple of hits, the other replays are a bit messy but still nothing impressive.
I'd say No.

cube: I did not like much the Bigman sparring, you often stopped one player while controlling
the other making the replay looks a bit boring. The second one is nice, not great flaws in there
but the realism one seems a bit casual except for the part at the frame 280.
Mhm No.

Sorry if i did not write long reviews but at the moment i don't feel so well.
PM me if you want reasons or whatever.
Last edited by Pulse; Mar 16, 2011 at 07:47 PM.
Long gone
il make some brand new replays to the absolute best of my ability and reapply in a weeks time
[Pure], wanna join?
i would like to join
first replay madman
second split-cap
third decap
Attached Files
#7-piece_tear!.rpl (132.9 KB, 12 views)
#ultimate_starlite.rpl (79.9 KB, 8 views)
#vhintz_reversal.rpl (46.8 KB, 5 views)
I'd love to join this org.

Blood Everywhere - Madman
Lumi Boom Edit - Edited Lumi's replay from a decap to a boom hit.
Yoyo Edit - Edited Yoyo's from 2-3 dm's to a madman.

I mostly edit replays.
Attached Files
Dinis_Blood Everywhere.rpl (167.1 KB, 21 views)
Dinis_Lumi Boom Edit.rpl (107.3 KB, 17 views)
Dinis_YoyoEdit.rpl (152.5 KB, 15 views)
well, its been a long time and i think im gonna, try again, i havent gotten that much better because ive taken a long break from tb
Attached Files
-Praise the anger.rpl (182.7 KB, 24 views)
-Square people.rpl (140.6 KB, 19 views)
oc 27 psyce.rpl (121.8 KB, 17 views)
Member of Oblivion
Hyperactive aikido freak
I'm not a recruiter, but if you want some early pronostics (I've got nothing to do >>) :

Mohit : Probably no. Your style is too stiff, and you didn't do a single boomhit.
dinis : Probably no. You start doing boomhits so that's a bit better, but you also lack fluidity & poses.
psyce : Nice replays. I like your style.
Last edited by vins84; Mar 21, 2011 at 11:04 PM.
Toriolympics - 2nd place | Fr_Death Leader |ORMO Member |
I think I'm getting alright with replays, so I'm gonna try.

Night of the Hunter - Madman
Paroo - Parkour
The Meta V2 - Splitcap
Attached Files
C+ Night of the Hunter.rpl (151.4 KB, 13 views)
C+ Paroo.rpl (231.3 KB, 14 views)
C+ The Meta V2.rpl (106.7 KB, 13 views)
League of Legends NA: Locus
who knows? Maybe I got better.. But. Would like to see you guys comment on my replays since this is the only place you do it :/ (Never comment on my replay thread.)

So, what do you guys think?

first one- Made that today. Was proud, pretty sure I had a 5 dm voodoo in there. Not intirly sure, just looked like it. Possibly 4.

Second one- My first freerun. Not sure if thats a replay you will take, but you said "Realism"? so I thought why not.

Third one- Hasn't been a long time since my last post. this was the only 'Decent' One I made to pick from.

Hope you guys like it/let me join :3
Attached Files
sk- go towards the light.rpl (209.5 KB, 33 views)
sk- Oh no freerun.rpl (210.9 KB, 10 views)
sk- Only the bravest .rpl (123.7 KB, 13 views)
Mohit: Way too stiff on all your replays but specificly

Seven piece tear, incredibly grabby and lacks style.

Starlite, Some of the movement was stiff and if you punched instead of kicked to do the decap it would of flowed better.

Reversal, too basic and after the kick the replay seemed stiff.

No from me, you lack the combination of good hits, good flow and good style in one replay.

Dinis: You seriously need to work on movement at the end of your replays/edits

Blood Everywhere, I didn't mind the combo but it just didn't look clean at all but it did flow ok until the end when it became a bit stiff.

Lumi's edit thing, The hit was great, but you just stopped right after the hit which was I was disappointed about also, same as before about the pose.

Yoyo's edit, The hits were ok but the replay was stiff all the way through.

No from me

Psyce: Well, you seem like a very good replay maker judging by the replays you have here

Praise the anger, great replay in style, flow and your hits are just so clean.

Square people, You should attempt to make the final hit a symetrical boomhit just so the replay looks a small bit better but your movement is very good.

Oc27, Not as nice as your other replays the decap lacked something awsome, but still great movement.

Replace the Oc27 replay and I'll judge that, but the rest is fine

Chaossook: Exact same as dinis, work on your flow for each replay more and be a small bit more relaxed on some of your replays.

No from me but the meta is the best out of your replays.

Shuckle: Holy shit bro, you are a pretty amazing replay maker.

Go towards the light, not only was this totally amazing, but you moved nice through the whole replay.

Oh no freerun, like Oc27 with Psyce you need to switch this as it didn't seem as well made as the others.

Only the bravest, not as mindblowing as the other replay you made, but your movement and hits combined are just great.

Switch the freerun and I will most likely say yes.
Sold my dog to join RRO