if you continue to play like that I might even change my mind >.>. anyway, kickass said something about manipulation- based replays so here it goes: combo: reply to this thread, wushu replay and some manipulation, for you to enjoy. Here:
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manipudecap.rpl (25.1 KB, 14 views)
deady: "Sahee (...) you bitter Pollock (...)"
Originally Posted by SuperJoJo View Post
That is not bad thomass. I wish you would be more confident about your attacks though. It is a fast attack and your leaving the knee of your kicking leg extended, so I would suggest changing the knee to relaxed or tightened just so it doesn't break off if you make contact directly at the knee.

Good point there, thanks.
So if i understand correctly tightened joints break less fast then joints forcing themself to stay straight? thats really good advice

and lol at sahee, thou art too late to gain acces so my superior skills. No just kidding, dont worry, ill stick around and ill continue to play wushu, and i certainly wont join any other clan.

edit: i looked at the replay, haha i lolled. I thought at first: DAMN YOU SAHEE i didnt even get close to the head. But it took you some time too

oh en when you shift the free arm around (i think) it also goes up instead of low to the ground

and one more
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Last edited by thomass; Jan 6, 2009 at 11:30 AM.
it's enough if you just re-force neck, to make it a bit higher. but usually the lower you go, the better.
when it comes to your first new submission I pulled a sahee in the "sahepro" replay, here just look at dms/moves.

And hmm dude, your skills are pretty decent nevertheless. I'm watching you :P. I mean, you're original and I like that.

Keep in mind tho that if you're stuck - relax all and set joints anew. You'll see that few forces and relaxed rest can help where stiffness didn't.
Attached Files
thomaseditsahepro.rpl (25.2 KB, 8 views)
thomasprop.rpl (22.4 KB, 7 views)
deady: "Sahee (...) you bitter Pollock (...)"
wow thats a nice replay man

and the relax thing, i try to do is at much as possible but when making moves in single i just keep shifting stuff untill i get the result i want to, and the moves take two turns, and if i dont know if the first turn works or not... you get the point

maybe its a good plan to edit my moves wich i like, and change the first turn, and see how that affects the possibilities in the second turn.

Ill keep posting stuff XD. thanks for the compliment and help

edit: do you have any idea why the menu is there when i view these replays (and others from the forum) and why i cant have the normal replay view mode?

edit 2, here it is in action
Attached Files
. best move yet in action.rpl (41.4 KB, 13 views)
. in action 2.rpl (68.6 KB, 10 views)
. in action 3.rpl (291 Bytes, 11 views)
Last edited by thomass; Jan 6, 2009 at 05:21 PM.
shit man, you're good. but here ain't place to post random mp replays. it's a place to excel them, so only sp goes. and your third replay is dead. check it out and repost it only when it's sp and it's some new opener you iddn't show us yet. Thanks. ah and you make me concider you very seriously now :P...
deady: "Sahee (...) you bitter Pollock (...)"
Originally Posted by Sahee View Post
shit man, you're good. but here ain't place to post random mp replays. it's a place to excel them, so only sp goes. and your third replay is dead. check it out and repost it only when it's sp and it's some new opener you iddn't show us yet. Thanks. ah and you make me concider you very seriously now :P...

haha you silly man, i didnt expect you to be so surprised about my skills lol.
And i'm really not that good, that move is my best so far and it happens to make for a nice kick punch combo, the rest still sucks

and dont consider me! i really shouldnt join, i'm way too busy with school and making something of myself (learning programming all night long for example)

i do promise to look for you guys when in multiplayer, and not to join another clan

and i wont post multi's, i was just kinda happy with the result of my first single move executed in multi
learning programming? tell me it's c++ or actionscript and I'll have you right here right now, on this fucking coach!
deady: "Sahee (...) you bitter Pollock (...)"
depends on what he'll say.
otherwise it will be
thomas + sahee =< 3
thomas and sahee equals or is less than an ass (or a ball sack, for that matter)...
deady: "Sahee (...) you bitter Pollock (...)"

no im starting with max/msp/jitter (not really programming, i belive they call it patching), thats what they teach here at my school (school of arts in rotterdam), then later on i think i'll prefer javascript (and processing, as it is based on java). Im more into audio and visuals and not so much the software programming thing.