Endurance Onslaught 6.0

Drak hears the announcement and looks at the man. "But enough with the unpleasantries. My name is Drak. How long have you been a fisherman? Do you enjoy it?"

The man takes the money and counts it. He raises an eyebrow, but nods, and sets his newspaper down. He puts the money in a chest behind his desk, and pulls out a scroll. Taking a pen, he writes the time, destination, and deposit down.

"Thank you for your business. Tomorrow at noon, my cabby will be waiting for you by the entrance. She'll be next to a black marked carriage."

Putting the scroll away, he goes back to his newspaper.
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
The man brushes off his shoulder and fixes his collar.

"I'm Kal Adrio. I've been a fisherman ever since I had first seen the sea, and I've loved it ever since, but enough of me. Tell me, Drak, why are you so desperate to get to the mainland?"


Roy thanks the man and walks outside. He returns to Toya's house

He opens the door and sees Toya hurriedly running around the house, inspecting every last thing she can think of.

"What are you doing?"

She says
"Just making sure I haven't forgotten anything I need."

"Hah, ok then. Good thing I just brought a backpack"
says Roy

"Lucky you"
Retorts Toya

"So I got us both a cab from here to Isola, tomorrow at noon."

Toya says
"Oh good. And I'll be sure to reimburse you-"

Roy then says
"No, you really don't need to. It's on me."

Toya smiles and sits.
"So, I'm kinda hungry. Want to grab something to eat in a little bit?"
Mei fati dominus, mei animi dux
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Unofficial Skimmer of Discussion!

Fabula Magnus wants more able RPers!
Cataclysm is still alive?


Wiggi must love me forever now.

Drak looks up and says, "Revenge."

Noticing that the man is anxious, he says, "Don't worry, my enemy is a human, a wizard. I have no quarrel with you elves." He stands up and opens the door. Making sure he's not noticed, he turns to the man and says, "We should be arriving soon. I'll be right back," and leaves the room.
Last edited by Huck; Sep 25, 2011 at 05:11 AM.

The time is now around 12:00 AM, noon.

The war efforts are doubly in motion with the recent events. The bureaucratic wheel turns and the industrious machines work in overtime...
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
Off the ferry

After helping the fisherman with his belongings, Drak bids him adieu and heads westward.


Drak's stomach growls, he hasn't eaten in a day. He looks around him for items he can use to create hunting weapons with.
Rusty Cantina

Alfonso wakes up, sits up and ponders his previous day's deeds.

Alfonso's eyes begin to glow, as he scratches the Theokoles' head, which is affectionately placed on his lap.

Why that certainly was fun. Wish I could do it again. Yes, next time, i'll rip one of their spines out with my bare hands. Maybe even try human flesh, theokoles certainly seems to enjoy it.

His eyes return to normal, and he snaps out of it when theokoles bellows at the sound of someone pounding on the door. Alfonso prepares for the worst, readying his sicas to be used at a moment's notice. He also obtained a nice pair of arm-guards with the money he earned by selling the logs he was hauling around. Their cold metallic insides make everything seem so much more real. He murdered 2 people. Malicious or not, they were people.

He puts his Galea on, and walks over to answer the door, as theokoles hides behind a corner, seemingly sensing something about to happen.

Hmm? Who might this be? What should I say? Gah, curse this goddamn anxiety.
Toya's House

Roy sits at the table, wearing a dark blue coat, white button up, and dress pants. He still has the note. As much as he wants to tear it up and burn the pieces, he has the compulsion to keep it.

After a few minutes of pampering herself with make up and cosmetics and perfumes, she comes downstairs to meet Roy. She's wearing a beautiful but playful blue dress, and green earings at the lobes of her long elvish ears, that match her green eyes. Toya's brown hair flows down to about mid shoulder length.

Roy asks
"So, where do you suggest we go?"

"We can get some sandwiches at a deli"

Roy stands up and opens the door for Toya.

Toya walks out the door, followed by Roy

Drak sees a fallen tree, with its trunk partly splintered, enough to pull off large sections of wood. There are a few rocks, and a small piece of flint, just enough to use for either lighting a fire, or as a weapon. In the distance, Drak can see a group of deer, and he can faintly hear a few wild pigs.
Rusty Cantina
A man, wearing very aristocratic clothing walks into the cantina.
"Calm yourself, I'm here to talk to you"
Says the man
"I am Anthony Grey, and I saw what you did a those thieves yesterday. Maybe the government would like to pay your for your services in the war that is o'er the horizon."
Last edited by Ray; Sep 25, 2011 at 10:22 PM.
Mei fati dominus, mei animi dux
Need to PM a SMod?

Unofficial Skimmer of Discussion!

Fabula Magnus wants more able RPers!
Cataclysm is still alive?


Wiggi must love me forever now.

Drak takes 3 rocks and sharpens them so that they are sharp enough to pierce through the deer's flesh. He then rips off several pieces of wood: The first piece is small enough to be a dagger handle, and the other two pieces are long enough to be throwing spears. Carving slits into the wood, he inserts the sharpened rocks into the slits, thus creating his makeshift weapons. Since the forest is too dense to be chasing deer and too dense to have any accuracy for throwing his spear, he decides to attack from above. Removing his clothes to get rid of the elven scent, he grabs some lose tree vines and leaves to wrap himself with some camouflage. He climbs a tree and moves in towards the group of deer.

He moves directly above the herd and finds a clear opening to them. He throws his spear at a deer in the middle of the herd.
Last edited by Huck; Sep 25, 2011 at 11:07 PM.
Rusty Cantina

Alfonso stares at the man. He expected it to be an assailant.

He takes his galea off and stares at the man.

What should I say? War? What war?

"Pay? Services?"

Theokoles comes out, and rubs its head against alfonso's leg.

Alfonso snaps out of his inability to respond and says.

"I'm alfonso, and this is theokoles. Would you mind explaining the war, and why you need me to enlist?"