Gay4K... ...... Wait itachi's a girl? ......... ................... Lesbo4Kyou.. ...... Doesn't work >:|
Originally Posted by JesseD View Post
Gay4K... ...... Wait itachi's a girl? ......... ................... Lesbo4Kyou.. ...... Doesn't work >:|

uhhh wut?

Originally Posted by EpicFailure View Post
uhhh wut?

Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

Yeah.. I knew that you would do it. So, go discuss about it in the thread named "Transformice!" I know you want to. ; )
Also, Caz, when you are online send me a pm in transformice.
[11:03] <Murmayder> I AM A WALRUS
bumpity bumpity BUMP BUMP BUMP!
Needs more active threads so lets discuss gaming here, shall we?
Tell us what games are you getting and for what platform?
I might get 1 of these; UFC2010(XBOX360), BFBC2(PC/XBOX360)
[11:03] <Murmayder> I AM A WALRUS
I'm not much of a gamer, so I don't have much to post here.
Ahead of time.
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up