my post count is only low because i only started posting when i join holy clan 2 months ago
if u go there u will see then i am very active in the forums
No to Trug and Bob

Trug, IMO your replays don't show the skill required to be accepted to [42]. While your textures are indeed impressive, I think it's also important to have good skills in-game for you to truly be an asset to the clan.

Bob, you are apparently quite new to the forums. While there's nothing wrong with that (welcome to the forums btw), unfortunately we need members with a bit more experience in the forums. My recommendation to you would be to stay active in the forums (outside of the clan forum please) for a few weeks or so and come back to reapply then. Your chances to get in will increase greatly once you become more acquainted to the forums. During that time, I'd also recommend putting together some replays to show us for the application. Thanks for applying and I hope to see your application again in a few weeks

@kake- Like Dillon said, could you try to avoid saying stuff like "your replays suck" etc. It's bad publicity and we don't really want to gain a rep as being jerks. Also, I'd feel pretty shitty if somebody said that to me :/
My shop
my shop uses the pm system to sell my images/textures so i know everything need to know about the fourms i so i think i need a few of u guys to give me a good test in each of your guys perfered mod?
I Agree with Parker 100% on thins one

So trug Im giving you a Week to improve your skill
Also For that week:
Play stuff like Wushu, TK, And KB

Post another app in a week and if u get denied again you will have to wait a month before applying again
Last edited by MOBI; Jan 12, 2010 at 11:04 PM.
dont i get a test because the only thing that is letting my application down is my replays so y not do the real thing instead?

heres my rank:
Last edited by trugdor1; Jan 13, 2010 at 12:07 AM.
Originally Posted by trugdor1 View Post
dont i get a test because the only thing that is letting my application down is my replays so y not do the real thing instead?

heres my rank:

Trug: Mobi is giving you another chance to apply in a week(most people would have to wait a month), if you improve your skill, and make better replays, you will get that test.
Btw, That User card is nothing impressive

And your This far away from me just say no

So use this opportunity to get better, if i Notice even the slightest bit of improvement then you have a little chance of getting a yes
Ok NOW what i want is for your to stop posting here FOR A MONTH!

Then re apply like everyone else...

^That means that your application has been denied but your free to try again at a later date
No need to insult us im retarted bro and the 42 clan is just a bunch off tight asses just move on.
Last edited by trugdor1; Jan 23, 2010 at 11:37 PM.