I can give some Judo training (not frac), but my style is not exactly for everyone...

I'm not so hot at long range styles, I'm trying to learn Wushu now...

If you are good at a particular style and would like to offer training for other NEWB members, please post a thread on our Clan site in the appropriate section of the forums. I'm going to be making lots of threads there for these types of things, I'm glad it got brought up!
<3 Toribash!
hey guys, sorry about the site still going through some stuff with that. The site is going through problems because the script that im using is basically written to keep hacks out. So its really strict about how it loads for people. Im changing some stuff with in it so it lightens up.

Sorry for not being very active this weekend, as most of us know it was Easter so had some plans for that and spent some time with the family. I did manage to raise more TC for Clan NEWB though.

I can also teach people some moves for Judo if they would like. I have a couple of kicks and spinning punch if you would like to learn those. Just find we when im on and ask me to help you.

On the topic of the site, when i do get it going at full speed i will need a picture or those avatar things you guys have been making. The reason is because im going to make a members page and i would like to add some personality to it with the pictures. Also you can use those things in our forum on the site in your sig.

As you guys may know NEWB has a comp going on right now. I would really really like to see everyone go and try their hand at this. We need everyone to try to participate in the community and be as active as possible.

Also, some good news, im VERY VERY close to getting BLACK BELT LOL. Prolly get it this week.

Good Luck everyone!
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Clan Newb Toribash Thread
May I congratulate our newest member?
If so his name is : MENTOS
If you play endorphin he's known as ThatCoolGuy1
or TCG
I also am very close to black belt :*(
Last edited by Mars; Mar 24, 2008 at 04:25 PM.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
-Mohandas Gandhi
Glad to here that Mars200!

Welcome MENTOS!

Anyways, i have found a new script for the site and would like the opinions of the members or clan NEWB to help me decide which is better.

Here is the link to the demo of the other script

Let me know what you guys think.
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Clan Newb Toribash Thread
I like it
But mentos hasn't posted yet?
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
-Mohandas Gandhi
Yeah i was originally going to do that script but at the time there was not a free version. Now there is and i was thinking of getting that one and modding it to how we can utilize it better.
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