I want to make a mod where Tori's body parts are 10 times heavier, but his joints are 10 times stronger, so he moves totally normally. However, Uke will have the same weight and strength, so he will get pwned in a fight against Tori. However, both move with normal speed and such. How would I do this?

EDIT: I noticed the "strength" function, so I tried going "player 0

joint l_wrist
strength 1000"

and so on, but it didn't work. What should I do?
Last edited by Chamale; Dec 31, 2007 at 12:57 AM. Reason: added "edit" part
i cant mod for my life
i would like it if someone remodded swing.tbm so that the person starts on top and posted it here. (if this is in the wrong place i dont mean to be rude)
Just set the engage height to be on top.
"When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend."
-U.S. Army Training Notice
*breaks door*
Originally Posted by Chamale View Post
I want to make a mod where Tori's body parts are 10 times heavier, but his joints are 10 times stronger, so he moves totally normally. However, Uke will have the same weight and strength, so he will get pwned in a fight against Tori. However, both move with normal speed and such. How would I do this?

EDIT: I noticed the "strength" function, so I tried going "player 0

joint l_wrist
strength 1000"

and so on, but it didn't work. What should I do?

Don't know what I can do to make it heavier unless you up the gravity. Try 100 not 1000.
Originally Posted by brentonall View Post
um how do i do that the only game i know how to mod is fsg4.4

Its in the main menu, "game rules", then adjust engage height.

Toribash is easier to mod than fsg4.4.
I want to make a mod where Tori's body parts are 10 times heavier, but his joints are 10 times stronger, so he moves totally normally. However, Uke will have the same weight and strength, so he will get pwned in a fight against Tori. However, both move with normal speed and such. How would I do this?

EDIT: I noticed the "strength" function, so I tried going "player 0

joint l_wrist
strength 1000"

and so on, but it didn't work. What should I do?

mass function doesnt work for the players, so gravity would be the only way. also, then uke would be heavy too. Strength is like how much u can lift, and stuff like that, velocity is how fast it moves. but 10x weight and 10x strength and 10x velocity, it still wouldn't move right... movement would be erratic and fast. you can still try with other numbers, but 10x is probably too much.

Is there a mod with just one large ski ramp that you can be launched high into the air?

that's the closest your gonna get... If you want a better one then IM me, marmalade0864 AT hotmail DOT com (replace AT with @ and DOT with . also remove the spaces... i did it this way to avoid spam :/)
Last edited by Jam0864; Dec 31, 2007 at 03:13 AM.