Originally Posted by Facade View Post
I really don't like any sort of bad rep associated with my clan, however I will leave this one up to you guys. But let it be known, I know who he is and he happens to be banned for a year.

Ah, the guy who have serious trouble and has been banned for a year. He's automatically lower the quality and the reputation of his own clan that accepted him.
My vote is No.
App seems fine, but I'm not going to let him into the clan if I don't even know who he is.

I've been banned tons of times, so I'm fine with you being banned and all, just don't want you to hide.

Neutral so far.
[RAWR]SlipAnc: two girls, one Siku
[RAWR]Siku: I was talking about having dicks in my mouth
Originally Posted by Dragonbreath View Post
App seems fine, but I'm not going to let him into the clan if I don't even know who he is.

I've been banned tons of times, so I'm fine with you being banned and all, just don't want you to hide.

Neutral so far.

Maybe you can talk him into telling you, because I certainly won't.
what am i doing here
Thanks for letting me know who you are Jammui.
The ban case doesn't looks serious, but really silly case.
Neutral from now, if you are promise you won't do it again and act more mature than before.
Originally Posted by Enma View Post
Neutral from now, if you are promise you won't do it again and act more mature than before.

I promise I won't do it again and act more mature than before.
So, in your app you say you don't like immature people, but you just promised to be more mature than before, so that must mean that you were immature yourself.

Isn't that kind of hypocritical?

Thanks for letting me know who you are though, I do think the whole clan should know, however.
[RAWR]SlipAnc: two girls, one Siku
[RAWR]Siku: I was talking about having dicks in my mouth
Originally Posted by Dragonbreath View Post
So, in your app you say you don't like immature people, but you just promised to be more mature than before, so that must mean that you were immature yourself.

Thanks for letting me know who you are though, I do think the whole clan should know, however.

It was kinda just to make sure that I won't kinda thing

I'll PM all active members who I am. ;3
Hey Enigma members,
I'm Labirynth or you can just call me Labi,
I know some of the members in here, Like Chaco or I've met Chintu and Facade before due to marketing.

I am from New Zealand (Where Uric comes from) which is GMT +12. I love sport, doing art even though I'm not very good at it. I am looking for a fresh start since I temporarily quit for a while, I had school getting in the road stuff like that.
I promise I'll be active. I have pretty good grammar and if I make a mistake, it may usually be a typo or I'm tired. I also play hockey for my school.

I'm am 16 years old. My belt is black, if I had to improve on ingame activity, I will. I would give my self 2/10 for ingame and probably a 7/10 for forum, as I said before I will improve if I need too. I am honest and totally not self-affiliated.

I gotta go to school now, but this is what I have to say.

Yours Faithfully
Ronald McDonald is scary.
Originally Posted by Labirynth View Post
Hey Enigma members,
I'm Labirynth or you can just call me Labi,
I know some of the members in here, Like Chaco or I've met Chintu and Facade before due to marketing.

I am from New Zealand (Where Uric comes from) which is GMT +12. I love sport, doing art even though I'm not very good at it. I am looking for a fresh start since I temporarily quit for a while, I had school getting in the road stuff like that.
I promise I'll be active. I have pretty good grammar and if I make a mistake, it may usually be a typo or I'm tired. I also play hockey for my school.

I'm am 16 years old. My belt is black, if I had to improve on ingame activity, I will. I would give my self 2/10 for ingame and probably a 7/10 for forum, as I said before I will improve if I need too. I am honest and totally not self-affiliated.

I gotta go to school now, but this is what I have to say.

Yours Faithfully

I know you worked hard on your app but, there isn't no giraffes.
Giraffes aren't actually a requirement, it was just thrown in there as a joke and I suppose enigma members just took it as a tradition.

Applications are closed as of now, all currently active applicants will still be evaluated.
Last edited by Facade; Aug 16, 2012 at 11:40 PM.
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