Originally Posted by kakajade View Post
"discipline" Fudgiebalz , gij zit nog nii in het 4e middelbaar he , ge zit nog ma int 2e , das nii moeilijk . Wacht ma binnen 3 jaar .

Also fudg , i first learn guitar , then relaxing . But realy , don't tell me what to do kid , i folow my own way , i also have to do what you told me

I have an average of 5 tests a week, sometimes 3, sometimes 8, + homework.
It's easier in the 4th where i live.
alright guy
Originally Posted by koor View Post
Bakajade strikes again. like dude... forum takes 2 hours of your day and you could study 1 hour a day (depending on subject). "IF" i were you i wouldn't complain on Toribash, i would complain on gaming when you know you have to study to get grades to able to preform a job for money and be happy.

Sleep (8-9 hours) Study (2 hours ;)) >Work (look for a job to get money when you get into the age of 16-1 > Gaming

am i the only one who sleeps 14 hours a day?
any who, still dont have a has been the worst 2 months of my life being isolated away from my bff's :c i miss all of u dearly, especially kakarot.
this shouldnt last much longer since its christmas. And imma use this oppurtunity to fish some money from my relatives. C: im so diabolical
I have a replay thread show it sum love<3
Baka seems to be getting argumentative. lets put it this way. Everyone here are wasting there time. especially me. i could be doing so many more things. But you guys are nice. so i talk to you.

Plus i dont like people where i live so i dont go out. I have a guitar. i play it sometimes. I dont have school which is bad. But what you all (kaka) have to realize.. is.. No one cares about what you do.. There is always someone or something better than you.

So you may ask "why do we bother to try then?" because. its what people do.

also im back now.
Originally Posted by kakajade View Post
"discipline" Fudgiebalz , gij zit nog nii in het 4e middelbaar he , ge zit nog ma int 2e , das nii moeilijk . Wacht ma binnen 3 jaar .

Also Arthur , you have no life , you play cs , M&M, tb , megamen ,...

Also fudg , i first learn guitar , then relaxing . But realy , don't tell me what to do kid , i folow my own way , i also have to do what you told me

Lol this guy.
Y'know some people play games and make money off of doing so.
I think that's one of the best lives you could have.

Also... aren't you one of the youngest here?
Aside from that, poor Koor :c
I never do my homework yet I make straight B's.
Get only 3 - 4 hours of sleep.
Fudgie, thats just awful. I pity you.
Last edited by Yoki; Dec 24, 2013 at 09:36 AM.

Wow, baka stating the obvious yet again. Also, I don't even play most of the games you mentioned.
As for not having a life... well, yeah.
What else did you expect? I usually don't go outside at all.
Either way, "don't tell me what to do, kid".
And your way of life lacks logic in it.
p.s. I don't make money off of gaming, or rather, I make enough money off of gaming to be able to not pay for gaming anymore. What a waste of time.

hi, miku. And apple.
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
Miku , duh , i play for 1 year and 2-3 months , you play maybe 7 years ? But i can do a lot of power chords what you can't , i mean , on youtube i see the same chords , and they are easy to play , i bett that nobody knows how to play the G7 or A7 , only blues-rock players will use those chords , most people use minor power chords . Also Yoki i am not the youngest , fudgie , sabre , another people i don't know are younger then me . But i am not agrumenting ? also Apple , i miss you to ;_; , Guy's , i don't learn a lot because i have 14 leshours working every week , 3 leshours technical draw on computer , 3-4 leshours technical from wood . 7 leshours PAV ( it's english,dutch,etc...) Alright , what i have to learn is not easy , and i try my best to study , Nobody here will learn for woodworking , only , so , arthur has to study a lot because he is learning a goodjob to make money . Guy's... we all will have different jobs so don't cry or be mad for having so much homework , since i have vacation i sleep on 01:00 and i wake up on 11:00 :3
Originally Posted by koor View Post
AND KOOR?! ;_;

You're around here more often than, let's say, apple. So I didn't think you needed a greeting, since you were already here. But if you really want one, here you go.


merry cirhrstms to everyone
Last edited by Arthur; Dec 24, 2013 at 12:15 PM.
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc